An ISIS cell behind the killing of a policeman in Casablanca – Day 24

by time news

Contrary to all that has been reported, the police said, on Wednesday, that extremists belonging to any cell of the “Islamic State” (ISIS) organization are behind the murder of a traffic policeman in Casablanca.

Elements of the State Authority of the Judicial Police in the city of Casablanca, in close coordination with the National Brigade of the Judicial Police and the General Directorate of National Territorial Surveillance, arrested three extremists loyal to the terrorist organization “ISIS”, in the early hours of Wednesday morning, on suspicion of their involvement in committing premeditated murder. Within the framework of a terrorist project, in which a policeman was killed while carrying out his duties.

A communiqué of the General Directorate of National Security stated that the security operations, which were initiated by the regional intervention teams under the supervision of the judicial police officers in charge of the searches, resulted in the arrest of the two main suspects in simultaneous operations in the city of Casablanca and in the “Sidi Harazem” area on the outskirts of the city of Fez, before the arrest of the two main suspects took place. The third suspect in a subsequent operation in Casablanca.

According to the same source, the initial information of the research indicates that the suspects recently declared “allegiance” to the alleged emir of the terrorist organization “ISIS”, and determined to engage in a local terrorist project for the purpose of seriously violating public order, as they decided to target a security employee with the aim of physically liquidating him and seizing his possessions. His functional weapon, for the purpose of committing the crime of robbing a bank agency, whose location was determined in advance and an agreement was reached on the method of storming it, in order to collect the financial proceeds of this criminal act.

He added that the research and investigations carried out have confirmed, up to this stage of the research, that the first and second suspects are the ones who commissioned the financial implementation of the crime of premeditated murder and mutilation of the victim’s body, after they lurked him in his place of work in a road circuit in his night work class, and subjected him to physical assaults with weapons. Al-Abyad, before they stole his private car and functional weapon and set his body on fire in a rural area.

The search paths also revealed that the two suspects coordinated with the third suspect, who carries the same extremist schemes, in order to change the features of the crime and obscure the evidence by deliberately setting fire to the car of the victim policeman.

He added that the technical surveys and inspection procedures carried out in the framework of this case made it possible to seize the white weapons used in the commission of this crime, and to retrieve the professional handcuffs and the functional weapon of the deceased policeman, which was hidden in a safe place in the city of Casablanca, in preparation for its use in completing their terrorist project.

The communication recorded that the suspects were kept under a measure of theoretical custody against the background of the judicial research entrusted by the Public Prosecution supervising the research to the Central Office for Judicial Research of the General Directorate of National Territory Surveillance, in order to monitor all possible links of this terrorist act to international terrorist cells and organizations, and to diagnose all Those supposedly involved in participating and contributing to the implementation of this criminal act, in addition to disclosing all the backgrounds and circumstances surrounding this case, which claimed the life of the victim policeman who was a martyr of national duty while providing security services on the public street.

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