An Israeli newspaper said that Gaza has become one of the bloodiest wars of the century

by time news

2024-08-15 22:00:00

Lose army numbers in Gazawhich broke out after the attack by the terrorist group Hamas against the south of Israel on October 7, 2023, which left 1,200 dead and dozens kidnapped, has been widely discussed since the beginning of the conflict. But this week, within hours of each other, progressive newspaper based in Tel Aviv and spokesmen for the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) put some grim figures on the suffering of civilians trapped in the Palestinian territories.

“About 40 thousand people were killed in Gaza” since 7/10, says the newspaper Haaretza reference for the Israeli pacifist left. Although it is subject to other conflicts in the region or in Europe, the number is surprising because of the speed with which the total has been reached. The note reminds that, for example, we estimate that more than 405 thousand people die in thirteen years of civil war in Syria, and 210 miles in the two decades of war in Iraq. Around thousands upon hundreds lost their lives during the outbreak of the former Yugoslavia, in about ten years, and – close in time – in the calculation 172 thousand dead in two and a half years of war that began in Ukraine with the invasion of Russian troops in February 2022.

But, in addition to the fact that death struck like lightning on the civilian population of Gaza after Hamas thought it was a good idea to enter. killed, tortured, tortured and kidnapped in Israel, that shock the figures that the experts consulted about Haaretz It is the ratio of deaths compared to the total population.

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Professional and critical journalism is a fundamental pillar of democracy. That is the reason why he always annoys those who believe that they are the true riches.

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According to the report, the war in Gaza has already reached its peak most blood in that proportion until this century, together with the armed civil conflict in Syria: in both cases, two percent of the population lost their lives, more than one percent in Iraq, 0.5 percent in the former Yugoslavia and 0.45 percent in Ukraine.

“In terms of the total number of deaths, I think Gaza will not be among the ten bloodiest of the 21st century“confessed Professor Michael Spagat of the University of London. speak with Haaretzscholars pointed out that, if you talk in terms of the percentage of the population, and climb to the “top 5.”

“If we consider the length of time it took to kill a fraction of this population, then it would be unprecedented,” Spagat said.

In a sad and macabre review of today’s military conflicts, an Israeli newspaper report said, “from a global perspective, There are many conflicts that are more deadly than Gaza“But – you are sure – the conflict in the Palestinian territory, where it is estimated that there are hundreds of prisoners still in captivity, in terrible conditions.“has already caused more deaths than other explosions around the world in recent years.”

For example, the report says that the genocide of the Rohingya tribe in Burma took about 25,000[25,000]. Moreover, what distinguishes Gaza from the rest of the wars of the 21st century is its scale, the report shows: the conflict is in an area of ​​just 360 square kilometers, equivalent to the surface of the Tigre Districtin Buenos Aires.

But, “what’s even more important,” he continued Haaretzin impossible escape. At the border with Israel death awaits, at the border with Egypt will be rejection by the authorities in Cairo and the Mediterranean is not an option. From Syria, on the other hand, almost a million people displaced by the civil war are able to go through Turkish territorywhile millions of Ukrainians found refuge in nearby European countries.

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Country and religion in the Gaza Strip

In addition to the IDF, Another serious problem for the Palestinians of Gaza is Hamas. His soldiers wore uniforms only for parades and preferred to fight in civilian clothes. Its fearsome complex of tunnels was built under mosques, hospitals and schools, and it tired the Israeli army to find access to the underground passages in the floors of the places. children’s play and the walls of private houses.

Faithful to the old Manual bullyingHamas does not seek to prevent the death of civilians but encourages it, because it is a powerful propaganda tool. Even better if they are a boy, girl or woman.

It is not clear whether the number Haaretz referring to civilians only or also including armed forces Hamas, who are well trained and equipped agents. In any case, IDF spokesmen this Thursday reported that, according to their own calculations, around 17 thousand armed forces that the Islamist group has been destroyed since the beginning of the war.

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During a press conference, one of the main Israeli military spokesmen, Rear Admiral Daniel Hagari, celebrated that, thanks to the “important fighting” in Gaza and the massive destruction of Palestinian infrastructure, “Hamas’ ability to regroup and recover” has been damaged. And the campaign, he promised, is not over yet: “We decide to continue with this,” said Hagar.

Any serious observer has the right to say that the IDF numbers may not be reliable. In any case, the same applies to the figures arriving from Gaza, distributed by the Ministry of Health, which is controlled by Hamas.

In any case, any disagreement about the horrible numbers of the war must be framed in the heavily Middle Easternwhere the conflict in Gaza is with an Iranian government that financially supports Hamas without caring about the death and suffering of civilians in the Mediterranean Sea.

An Israeli newspaper said that Gaza has become one of the bloodiest wars of the century Israeli forces in Gaza in August 2024 | Photo: FDI.

The ayatollahs in Tehran also sponsor Hezbollah in Lebanon, and could not care less about the large number of civilian deaths in that country if an all-out war breaks out with the powerful – and willing – Israeli army. bombed the south of the region of the country’s neighbors and flattened Beirut with ado if they thought it necessary.

But there are also figures like the Prime Minister of Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu, a political leader who has a lot to do with emergence of the country as an economic power but the one whose growth is collapsing without stopping. Embarrassed by the ease with which Hamas fighters entered southern Israel for the 7/10 massacre and cornered by Good luck, Netanyahu – say more and more Israeli and international analysts – seem to want to take advantage of the war and its extreme stay strong.

And it still is religious fundamentalismvery clear on the groups of Hamas and Hezbollah but perhaps less noticed in Israel. However, the war in Gaza is fueling it dangerous religious nationalist extremism in the countryled by people like the Minister of Defense, Itamar Ben Gvir. With the anti-Arab racism of the past, this leader managed to raise his head a few years ago and poison the political discussion in Israel.

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Although he presented himself as an ardent believer, his position was so high that It does not even have the support of the traditional religious establishment. This week, Ben-Gvir led a group of Jewish activists to the Temple Mount, which is part of the complex where the Al-Aqsa Mosque stands. It is the third holiest site for Muslims, but it is also the holiest for Jews, since it is believed that the first and second were built there. The great temple of Jerusalem.

For political and security reasons, the site is forbidden for Jewish prayers. But it is also surrounded by a complex religious tradition, for those traditional rabbis.

After Ben-Gvir’s attack, Israel’s chief rabbis released a message – in Hebrew and Arabic – explaining that what the minister did was wrong from any perspective, but especially religious: According to the priests, “regular” Jews were “unclean” and could not step on that holy ground.. Ben-Gvir, of course, does not care and is like the leaders of Hamas: the more chaos, the better.

The faces of terror, of Israel and Gaza

In the middle of this is difficult a conflict that combines countries, religions and geopolitics, The Palestinians did, without a doubt, one of the worst effects. Ironically, Israeli Jews seem to have endured better the violence and intensity of their Middle Eastern and Arab neighbors than the Palestinians themselves, despised by Jordan and Egypt and exploited by Iran. The numbers, though scary and worrying, maybe don’t try to find a possible solution to the conflict.

Now, note that Haaretz adds to the debate and adds magnificence to the suffering of the citizens, but perhaps another article published this week by the same newspaper will serve to understand more well. With the title “A poet, a karate champion, a famous artist: the life stories of forty of the 40,000 who died in Gaza”, the newspaper reviews, in effect, the names and times of ordinary people, trapped in general wisdom. surpasses them.

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For example, there is the photo (playing the guitar) and the story of Yousef Dawas, a 20-year-old young man, writer and aspiring psychoanalyst killed during a bomb attack in Gaza on October 14 last year. And Huda Al-Sousi, 27, also a writer and translator, hit by shells on October 23. Also Hind Rajab, six years old, Hala Al-Fara, from Khan Younis, died at the age of 19 without realizing his dream of being an engineer.

Without thoughts of destroying different skills (the Damn Hamas and the IDF professional violence), these photos can be added to the images of women raped by Islamist fighters on October 7, 2023 in southern Israel, civilians suffering, massacred children and dozens of hostages , including many young people, who are imprisoned by Hamas in who knows what conditions.

Because, sometimes, a life story cut short speaks more than numbers with many zeros.


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