An old man was walking against the traffic

by time news

– An elderly man drove against the traffic on the M5 highway late on Wednesday night – the Csongrád-Csanád County Police Headquarters informed Délmagyarország. When we inquired, they wrote that the police received a report late at night that a car was driving in the opposite direction on the M5 motorway. The police stopped the elderly man who was driving illegally at kilometer 133 of the highway, and he was escorted off the highway. Due to the irregularity, an administrative fine was imposed.

We wrote on Thursday that János Farkas-Csamangó was quite surprised when he drove from Budapest to Szeged on the M5 highway late on Wednesday. At the height of Ópusztaszer, a car came towards him. The man then told our paper that luckily he was alert and was able to avoid the disaster. It was traveling at a speed of around 120, and if they had collided head-on, the passengers of neither vehicle would have survived. János Farkas-Csamangó immediately told the police, who said they knew about the matter and were trying to catch the speeding driver, but they couldn’t drive against the traffic either.

The meeting can be seen at the end of the first minute of the video, and at the end it is also seen that the man pulls over next to the waiting police.

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