an ongoing awareness campaign in Lower and Middle Guinea (stages of Linsan, Labé, Telimélé, Koundara and Lelouma) – Information in Guinea and around the world

by time news

2023-11-20 16:21:18

Officially launched on Monday, November 13, 2023 in the governorate of Kindia, the awareness campaign on the National Reconciliation process in Guinea continues in Middle and Lower Guinea. Organized under the aegis of the Prime Minister’s Office and in partnership with UN Human Rights Guinea, UNDP Guinea, and UNFPA Guinea, under financing from the Peace Consolidation Fund (PBF Guinea), this activity will end on 27 Next November.

For the second stage, it was the rural commune of Linsan which received the awareness mission on Tuesday, November 14. In this locality, the community engagement session mobilized more than 500 people (young people, women and elders). In this sub-prefecture which falls under the prefecture of Kindia, the role and responsibility of each Guinean in the process of national reconciliation in Guinea were at the center of the debates.

Strong mobilization of citizens in the rural commune of Linsan

Speaking on behalf of the Representative of UN Human Rights Guinea, the Head of the Promotion and Technical Cooperation Unit invited the populations to work for the maintenance of peace and social cohesion in their locality. of said session.

On Wednesday, November 15, 2023, it was the turn of the Labé prefecture to receive the awareness mission on national reconciliation in Guinea. “Notions of human rights, national reconciliation, as well as the role of public administration agents/executives at the decentralized and decentralized level, in the ongoing national reconciliation process, in connection with the implementation of recommendations of the National Conference” is the theme of a discussion session with administration executives at the decentralized and decentralized level of Labé.

Conference-debate at the University of Labé

After this first activity, a conference debate was held at the University of Labé where discussions focused on the role of the academic world in the national reconciliation process in Guinea.

a community engagement session in Daralabé

After this temple of knowledge, the mission team headed to the rural commune of Daralabé where there was a community engagement session under the theme “Presentation (in local languages) on the importance of process of national reconciliation that is inclusive and respectful of human rights, as well as on the positive role that members of grassroots communities can play in the implementation of the various recommendations of the National Conference.

The activities ended in the town of Karamoko Alfa mo Labé with a broadcast in local languages ​​on rural radio under the theme “Presentation on the importance of an inclusive national reconciliation process that respects human rights, as well as as on the positive role that members of grassroots communities can play in the implementation of the various recommendations of the National Conference.

a team from the awareness campaign on national reconciliation in Telimelé

The prefecture of Telimélé had the honor of welcoming a team from the awareness campaign on national reconciliation on Thursday, November 16, 2023. In this prefecture, exchange sessions with executives of the prefecture. A community engagement session was also organized in the rural commune of Sarekaly located seven kilometers from the town of Télimélé.

In this prefecture of the administrative region of Kindia, discussions revolved around: truth, justice, reparations and institutional reforms for inclusive and lasting national reconciliation between executives of the prefecture and the National Monitoring and Monitoring Commission. implementation of the recommendations of the national meetings supported by UN Human Rights Guinea.

The activities of the information and awareness campaign on national reconciliation in Guinea continued on Friday, November 17 in the Koundara prefecture with a Sareboido community engagement session.

a Sareboido community engagement session

The mission team explained in local languages ​​and in French to the citizens present, the four main pillars bringing together the 45 recommendations from the national meetings which are: truth, justice, reparation and the guarantee of non-repetition in order to avoid repeating the mistakes of the past.

Thierno Sadou DIALLO, UN-Human Rights in Action Program Officer

The mission team led by Amadou Oury Bah “BAH Oury”, former Minister of National Reconciliation, head of the delegation arrived this Sunday, November 19 in the prefecture of Lelouma where there was community engagement in the rural commune by Thianguel Bori.

The team of the information and awareness campaign on national reconciliation in Guinea in Lelouma

In this locality, discussions between the team and the populations focused on the importance of a national reconciliation process that is inclusive and respectful of human rights.

Mamadou Aliou Barry for

(+224) 622 304 942

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