An ultra-Orthodox mother suffocated in her eating, and passed away

by time news
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An ultra-Orthodox woman, about 56 years old, went to her funeral home today (Wednesday), after she suffocated at her home in Jerusalem during a meal. Paramedics and paramedics from MDA and the Rescue Union arrived at her home and performed initial resuscitation operations, at the end of which she was evacuated to the hospital with her condition defined as human. She soon returned her soul to its creator.

MDA paramedic Akiva Polak said: “We arrived at the scene and saw the woman unconscious with no pulse or breathing and began performing advanced resuscitation operations on her, which included massages and resuscitation.

Israel Litzman, a medic at the Rescue Union, said: “According to her family members, she suffocated while eating. I performed prolonged resuscitation operations on her with the help of other paramedics.”

Moishe Hirschman, another paramedic from the Rescue Union, said: “After the prolonged resuscitation operations, she was evacuated in an intensive care unit to Hadassah Mount Scopus Hospital while continuing resuscitation operations in critical condition.”

Magen David Adom reported: “At 15:40, a report was received at MDA’s 101 hotline in the Jerusalem area about a woman who suffocated while eating at home in Jerusalem. MDA medics and paramedics provided medical treatment and evacuated a 56-year-old woman to Hadassah Mount Scopus Hospital while performing resuscitation operations.

Spokeswoman for Ihud Hatzalah – Jerusalem District: “Ihud Hatzalah medical teams performed CPR on a 56-year-old woman who suffocated at her home on Ibn Hazel Street in Jerusalem.”

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