Anabolic steroids: Illegal consumption can cause testicular shrinkage

by time news

2023-11-22 18:00:15

The use and consumption of anabolic steroids to increase muscle mass is in the middle of a controversy. This recommendation is usually made in gyms and training centers by people without medical training. In addition to not working for this reason, they are actually harmful to health and should be avoided.

In that sense, the Federal Commission for the Protection against Health Risks (Cofepris) published a statement about the risks associated with the use of these substances.

Effects caused by unsupervised consumption of anabolic steroids

Renal insufficiency. Liver cancer. Enlargement of the heart. Increased blood pressure. Risk of embolisms. Heart attacks. Clot formation.

Additionally, physical side effects are observed that affect both men and women. In men they include the decrease in testicles and sperm, baldness, breast development and increased risk of prostate cancer.

While in women the presence of facial or body hair, decreased breast size, alopecia, interruption of the menstrual cycle, deepening of the voice, among others.

In addition to the potential adverse effects derived from excessive consumption, the impact extends to psychological aspects. The list includes delirium, irritability, depression, difficulty falling asleep, obsession, and rage. Likewise, symptoms such as fatigue, loss of appetite and decreased sexual desire appear.

What do steroids work for?

In Mexico, the steroids They can be legally prescribed for hormonal problems and as a complementary treatment for other diseases. However, they must be prescribed by health professionals to prevent the aforementioned risks.

The above is very important because these are substances that should always be consumed with upon indication of a doctor. On the other hand, trainers and people without health training should never recommend them.

Illegal marketing in Mexico

Cofepris detected the commercialization of anabolic steroids through false food supplements, in which these substances are not declared on the labeling nor have they been subject to review by this health authority. The above makes these products potential health risks.

Between the anabolic steroids that are consumed inappropriately and most frequently in Mexico are methandrostenolone, oxymetholone, oxandrolone, stanozolol, nandrolone decanoate, nandrolone phenylpropionate, testosterone cypionate, boldenone undecylenate, tetrahydrogestrinone (Thg). They are sold in different presentations such as powders to prepare drinks, tablets, patches, injectable solutions, among others.

These types of products are irresponsibly advertised on social networks and are illegally marketed through the internet, establishments selling dietary supplements and gyms, in breach of current legislation.

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#Anabolic #steroids #Illegal #consumption #testicular #shrinkage

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