Analysis of The Mageseeker, the chains rumble in Runeterra

by time news

2023-04-20 11:46:11

The universe and lore of League of Legends is very rich and prolific. This compendium of stories and myths has been providing quality content for some time thanks to the magic and personality it radiates. To this is added the great mass of fans that he drags behind him. Last year, without going too far, Arkane, the series set in the battle arena most famous in the world garnered great praise from all over the world. Riot Games he is undoubtedly knowing how to take advantage of the rich stories of League of Legend without saturating the community.

stories everywhere

Following the marked path, Riot Games has placed the trust in Digital Suns games, creators of Moonlighter, to develop The Mageseeker. The two works of Digital Suns Games are very similar, both action RPGs with a very characteristic pixel-art style. Both with zenithal or isometric view and in the case of Moonlighter very well executed. Have they also managed to succeed with The Mageseeker? We’ll see…

As we said The Mageseeker it’s a RPG from an overhead view that narrates the adventures and misfortunes of one of the 162 champions that make up the League of Legend universe. Our protagonist will be Sylas of Dregbourne. Born in the poorest neighborhood of Demacia, first served as a weapon against magicians thanks to its ability to detect magic in people. But this power turned against him. Her ability to detect magic was but the first of her many gifts and when her power awoke, her friends and maestros they became their captors.

destroying chains

Sylas is taken prisoner and chained. doomed to live tied up, prey to his chains for the rest of his life in absolute ostracism. But a spirit like hers is not easy to break and she is determined to betray her only and best friend to escape her. The escape of his captors, breaking the chains that bind him, is the beginning of this story. A story full of anger and the search for justice through a revenge that will never satisfy Sylas.  Los shackles and the chains that Sylas still has during his escape, will become his best weapon in this fight against the wizard hunters.

Playing with fire, ice and many other elements.

The Stomach Seeker It has a quite original combat system. Our objective is to advance through the different missions while we learn spells stolen from enemies to enrich our arsenal. Although our basic attack will be the chains, these can be combined with multiple spells to destroy everything.

We therefore have a basic attack and a powerful chain attack, as well as the possibility of stealing spells from enemies and using them against them. This is combined with a talent tree that allows us to improve physical or magical attacks according to our play style. But we will always have to pull spells to weaken our enemies or powerful attacks to eliminate defenses.

Hit or Spell

Each spell responds to a specific element and we must combine them correctly, we have arcane, ice, fire, wind, electric or nature. We will have to draw or use the correct spell, for example, if we are facing an ice creature, we will have to attack it with fire to maximize our options. Chain attacks also have combos that will vary depending on who accompanies us on our adventure.

And it is that Sylas You are not alone in this fight and you will be joined by some outlaws with special abilities. These outlaws don’t fight, but they do give us unique abilities for chains, and attacks. At the beginning of each mission we will select the outlaws that we want to accompany us and the spells that we will use.

Very limiting structure

And it is that in The Mageseeker we have a camp A main base packed with secrets to unlock, outlaws to upgrade, and altars, forges, and other upgrades to discover. But to leave the camp we must do it through a war table that will show us the available missions. There is no exploration of the world as such and this greatly limits the experience. Because of this, at the end of a mission there is no chance to backtraking (go back), the missions begin and end… and when they do they don’t warn you and they take you to the camp without warning.

Although it is true that we have many types of missions: the main ones where we will advance in the story and on the way we will free outlaws. The secondary ones to collect consumables that we use to buy improvements and finally “rescue” missions that will add recruits to our outlaws to improve their input al combat.
However, all this fan of possibilities it doesn’t make the game fun and varied. In the end I feel like we are in the same loop all the time, and the story is the only thing that keeps me going, despite the gameplay.

more is not better

Technically the game is basicbut it works very well. The isometric, almost zenithal perspective, the pixel-art style, and the narrative are enough of a package so that we don’t miss anything. Its sound section is incredible, sensational and epic music always anticipating what is to come. His artistic design is obviously defined by League of Legends and it will evoke us a lot arcane if we have seen the series. He motion The screen is good, the characters are well designed, the enemies are challenging beyond mashing the attack button and all this addition so that I play despite its defects recommendable.

However, their level design It’s not the best in the world. Apart from the limited exploration, the design of the areas is quite flat, with some hidden areas, but little else. All the areas are linear, without secondary access routes and in the end they sin by always offering the same approach. This means that after a few hours, nothing surprises you and it becomes something monotonous.


The Mageseeker is an ode to all amates of League of Legend. With a rich and well-told story that gives meaning and context to Sylas’ revenge ideals. He is not one of the most charismatic characters in the saga, but thanks to this game we can understand him a little better. The Mageseeker is a RPG of action, but gives priority and gives great importance to the narrative, gaining a special meaning and Protagonism. Don’t be in a hurry to finish a mission, get soaked and read, because its narrative is excellent. Its pixel-art style breaks with the aesthetics of the original game, wanting to distance itself from the roots of LOL, but respecting the concept-art original. With its rich lore and its nods and inclusions of other champions from the original game, it will delight all fans. His gameplay However, it does not exalt a work that could have been a benchmark, but that is still a very good game.

The Mageseeker: A League of Legends Story


The Mageseeker: A League of Legends Story


  • Great sound section.
  • Narratively a work of art.
  • Artistic design identifiable with the original saga.


  • Thick and repetitive gameplay.
  • Lack of exploration.
  • Very basic level design.

#Analysis #Mageseeker #chains #rumble #Runeterra

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