anand mahindra twitter Don’t have a ridiculous ride even if it’s a Mahindra car! Anand Mahindra warns Mahindra customers via twitter over Mahindra thar suv dangerous driving in flood video

by time news

| Samayam Tamil | Updated: Jul 23, 2022, 12:59 PM

Mahindra company chairman Anand Mahindra posted a video of Mahindra Thar cars crossing a river flood warning against dangerous journeys despite having faith in Mahindra cars.


  • Mahindra Thar car has excellent off-road capability. This car has all wheel drive facility.
  • Crossing such rivers is extremely dangerous in flood-prone environments. Anand Mahindra also said the same.
Mahindra is one of the famous companies in India. The company chairman is one of the prominent celebrities in India. Mainly he is very active on social media. He also responds to many videos and posts.
Recently, he responded to a video on Twitter. In the video, two people cross the river bridge using Mahindra’s tar SUV in heavy river flood.

This event took place in the state of Goa. In response to this, Anand Mahindra said, “Although there is a lot of faith in Mahindra cars, it is better to back off in such cases.”
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This incident has caused severe water rage due to flood in Dutsagar Falls. At this stage two Mahindra Thar cars cross the river without realizing the danger.
The road was closed after the video was released. This famous waterfall is located in the middle of the South Western Railway.
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Mahindra Thar car has excellent off-road capability. This car has all wheel drive facility. People use these cars with great confidence because they can be used on all kinds of roads.
But crossing such rivers in such a flood-prone environment is extremely dangerous. Anand Mahindra also said the same.
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Web Title : anand mahindra warns mahindra customers via twitter over mahindra thar suv dangerous driving in flood video
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