Anatomy of a hunt – Dichand next to the trail 2024-02-21 10:19:47

by time news

For weeks, Alexandra Föderl-Schmid was persecuted by the sleazy tabloid in an unprecedented smear campaign, the likes of which only come from the House of Dichand against Green ministers red financial city councilors knows. Nobody knows what it’s like to be persecuted by the mob better than me, Eva Dichand, the Anne Frank of the Austrian media landscape, the greatest victim since Jesus Christ.

Part 2 of a series that Eva Dichand began yesterday in the Today newspaper.

I still remember my personal symbolic crucifixion well. It was on March 30, 2023 when my life turned upside down when WKStA henchmen stormed into our editorial offices and raped numerous editors, computers and USB sticks as part of their brutal raid.

Overnight I became the most innocent media victim since Sebastian Kurz. In any case, I now know how Jesus Christ must have felt when he fell under the cross for the third time. “Eva, oh, Ms. Media Manager Dr. Eva Dichand, I feel for you,” he may have murmured at the time.

What kind of procedure is this?

  • Investigative authorities who begin investigating after evidence is available.
  • A house search that is authorized by a judge based on the findings of the investigation.
  • Independent media reporting on these events.

These are processes that have no place in a banana republic like Austria. Why wasn’t my political friends informing me about the raid beforehand? Where was the ÖVP press conference by Gaby Schwarz, who announced: “There is nothing left, wink wink”?

The state wants to eradicate me, it wants to eradicate me, destroy me, and yes, if you say so, then it is just me, the female answer to Alexey Navalny.

Envy, hatred, resentment

The inhumane raid, my personal Stalingrad, happened during the breakfast break! I had to put down my Kipferl uneaten, had to suffer hunger – and yes, maybe I am the Austrian answer to Mahatma Gandhi. His footsteps are not too big for me, Eva Dichand.

But the suffering continued: When I wanted to go out for some fresh air, I was suddenly denied this, I was trapped in the editorial office – and I now know how Natascha Kampusch must have felt, almost as bad as I felt back then.

THIS MUST END NOW! When will Alma Zadic intervene and exert political influence on the judiciary? I am a doe-eyed woman chased by the police, the modern answer to Arigona Zogaj! Ms. Zadic, protect me! Have we in this country already degenerated into a constitutional state where rich publishers are no longer above the law?

THE FACT: Editorial staff and management are strictly separated at Today. We don’t know each other, we’ve never seen each other before, I don’t get involved at all in the content. I just write a daily, full-page column on page 5 about my ordeal.

Endless rush

Since yesterday’s publication of my revelations, which the country has been eagerly awaiting, the incitement has reached biblical proportions. What particularly hurts me is that the hate speech even comes from my own audience. Because even though I TOP editor Dr. Eva Dichand am, not even my own Today community is interested in my explosive accusations:

24 times more interactions for some unimportant D-celebrity? Hello? Where is the justice in that? It really feels like you’re constantly being raped. And everyone is watching. Hopefully the beating will make this cheeky brat rethink whether she can continue stealing the show on my own medium.

Even on the Today website, my Opium magnus (that’s Latin, by the way, you dolm) isn’t even enough for a place among the five most-read political reports of the day:

Does the world only consist of monsters? Can you do anything with the Dichand family?


And who agrees cheerfully and completely unprovoked into the hunt? The ORF-Rotzfunk, the left-wing compulsory fee broadcaster. At Küniglberg they are trying to silence me with unfounded agitation. But I heroically stood my ground in the home office in the west wing of my chalet.

Every day I typed out my humble column to document my suffering. I published in the dark and secret. That’s pretty much how Anne Frank must have feltwhen she had to hide from the Nazis in the secret annex to write. Luckily for her, there was no Twitter back then. Because the shitstorm that is currently pouring over me is worse than anything Anne Frank ever had to experience.

Hate, hate, hate, hate, hate, hate and resentment

So, that’s it from me for today, more on that in my following 423 parts, which will appear from tomorrow. After all, I am the editor of the most relevant, important, beautiful, greatest online medium in Austria (ÖWA 01/2024, excluding

As you can imagine, I have better things to do now: I still have to predate the date of birth on my Wikipedia entry by two years because some spiteful Wikipedia admin keeps revising my edits to be truthful. Rush! Outrageous! And Zadic? As always, watch!

But that’s the hard lot of an editor. I promise my opponents: I won’t let myself get down. I will continue to boldly report on mattresses in the subway, couch transport in the subway, or mirrors in the subway, even if the elites prefer to keep this secret. You don’t silence me.

Thank you for NOTHING AT ALL,

Your Eve Christus-Dichand

2024-02-21 10:19:47

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