Ancelotti, the architect of success

by time news

the phone rang and Carletto He heard a familiar voice: “Hello mister, how are you? Why don’t you dare to train Croatia? sure we do a good world” Era Luka Modric, who had trained in the Real Madrid. It was 2017, the plavi were looking for a coach and Ancelotti was free. He did not accept, although he was seduced by the proposal. In addition, Italy was left out of the world and it did not seem elegant to him to go to Russia with the blue at home. Question of principles.

Hoy Modric he remembers with laughter Ancelottiwhy Croatiacon Dalic as a coach, he reached the final of that world. Real Madrid has conquered the League and the Italian coach has completed the perfect poker game, winning the five most important leagues in Europe. When he arrived, he found a squad that had lost leaders like Iker Casillas, Sergio Ramos o Cristiano Ronaldo. Carletto sat with Benzemaspoke with Modric and Alabaand involved veterans like Casemiro, Kroos o Carvajal.

emotional intelligence and empathy

And he began to work using the two virtues that explain his success: his emotional intelligence and his empathy. He implanted sports meritocracy in the locker room and began to talk to the players. A vinicius he convinced him to lower his revs as he entered the box. She talked to him about series, music, travel… she took the pressure off him and gave him confidence. She insisted on reactivating Bale and the Welshman started plugged in, with minutes… But he ended up letting go. A Hazard He asked him to punch the table and gave him chances, but no luck… or desire. A Isco promised him stripes if he took a step forward that he didn’t. Already Marcelo challenged him to break the record of 23 titles in People. Thus he managed to unite the locker room and form a block discovering players like Rodrygo o camavingaplayer profile that he has had in all his teams: a young physical marvel with technical quality.

Ancelotti it does not have a defined style, it does not make author teams. He likes to adapt to what he has, evolve things, add resources, improve players. Enjoy the way in each site. And he does it surrounded by his team, in which his son Davide has been gaining weight. Carlo delegates to his area managers (Pintus physically, the doctors, Davide, data…). He requires them to be up to date on the latest trends, even though he is a coach old school that in the end he is guided by his instinct. As in the end of the Champions of 2007 between the Milan and the Liverpool. He had an intuition that he should play Beanie Inzaghi, wearing a gray season, instead of a Giraldinomore successful and preferred by Berlusconi, who pressed for him to put it. But he opted for Pipo, they won 2-1 and both goals were from Inzaghi. During the celebration Berlusconi approached him to take a photo with the Cup and a sly Carletto he called to Inzaghi: “Come Beaniestand here with us in the photo of champions”.

In this second stage Florentino It is further away from the locker room. He goes down to the locker room and performs his rituals, but leaves the group more to their own devices. He is José Ángel with whom Ancelotti works, although he recently had lunch with the president, with whom he maintains a very cordial relationship. When he received the call from Madrid, which he received in his previous stage, he accepted it naturally. The same one with which he fits the anger of Kroos and the snubs of Ceballos.

Cook, read and watch series

Carlo y Mariannher partner since 2014, are happy in Madrid. Coming back has been a gift because the family missed spain. Davide is going to marry a Sevillian and Mariann’s parents come from Sigüenza y Santander. The couple escapes to places like Toledo and enjoy the visits of friends. Carletto is a great host who is encouraged to cook for his guests. He loves cooking and enjoys eating, but more so because of the liturgy that surrounds it all. He is too Italian for that. The technician, who has not set foot in his house for three years Vancouver, is going through one of his best personal and sporting moments. At home he enjoys reading history books, watching series and listening to rock music and Italian songs.

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Every morning, the first thing he does when he wakes up is make a cup of coffee. Then he gets in the car and drives to Valdebebas, where he trains, has breakfast and meets with his team every day. He likes to step on the grass and get excited with the ball. He is very soccer. He has trained in the five major leagues, but the Premier fascinates him. He knows a lot of people and is respected for his closeness and elegance. The day the Cadiz fired Alvaro Cervera, Carlo phoned him to convey his support. did the same with Marcelino Garcia Toral when he lost his father. Small gestures of a great guy.

He has a good opinion of the press, including the Spanish, because he understands that they are part of the circus. And when he sees a football talk show on television, he always remembers with a laugh “you are late. I already did this Berlusconi twenty years ago in Mediaset”. This is Carletto. And this has been his League.

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