Anchor video conferencing webcam tested

by time news

Dhat is a fat hum, and you should attach it to the notebook display? The Ankerwork B600 webcam weighs a whopping 460 grams without cable and power supply. For comparison: The Logitech Brio Ultra HD that we tested last weighed a slim 63 grams. But for the additional weight, you also get more from the manufacturer Anker. The upper bright surface is an LED light bar that can be switched on or off manually and flexibly adjusted in terms of brightness and color temperature. The special extra is fully automatic for the light, thanks to which you don’t have to worry about anything. So the video conference professional saves the LED ring light, which brightens the face and makes it appear friendlier.

On top of that. The heavy power bar has four built-in microphones and two loudspeakers, each with two watts, and thanks to artificial intelligence, it should ensure that background noise is suppressed and that only the spoken word counts. When unpacking the car, we were initially irritated. A supplied USB-C cable establishes contact with the notebook, but why do you need another power supply unit, also with a USB-C connection?

Luckily, it’s only optional if the notebook doesn’t provide enough power for lights, speakers, and camera. However, it should not be concealed that the concentrated pack of technology visibly puts a strain on the computer’s battery. For very long video conferences, the external power adapter or the use of a hub is still popular.

The heavy power bar has four built-in microphones and two speakers, each with two watts.

The heavy power bar has four built-in microphones and two speakers, each with two watts.

Image: manufacturer

Once the device has been fixed to the upper edge of the notebook or monitor using the flexible attachment, the angle of the LED light can be individually adjusted again. If you fold the LED unit all the way down, you have a physical privacy screen because it is then over the lens. Due to the heavy weight, however, the display cannot be adjusted in every angle, otherwise the camera would press the notebook lid against gravity. If necessary, you pack the Ankerwork on a mini tripod, a corresponding screw thread is available.

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