And how are you now?

by time news

A. Background and problem statement
With this project, relatives of patients with gynecological cancer are offered a place where they can go with their specific questions and concerns.
In the case of the sick, informal) care primarily goes to the patient. Gynecological cancer not only affects the patient, but also deeply affects the lives of the patient’s loved ones. For example, partners are confronted with a change in sexuality or with infertility of their partner or with the late consequences. Children and other family sometimes face the heredity of the disease when the patient is affected by ovarian cancer. In addition to their concerns about and for the patient, relatives also have many questions and concerns that they are often unable or unwilling to share with the patient. It is important that they have somewhere to go with their questions and concerns. For themselves, but ultimately also for the patient.
B. Research direction/proposed solution
During the term, the following activities are performed:
– Adjust/add to the Olive website with a specific section for relatives with stories of experience and information
– Recruiting close volunteers, including screening and guidance
– Setting up a pool of close volunteers who, as experience experts, man the Olive helpline, email and whatsapp services and the buddy contact for loved ones
C. Relevance
A survey set up by Olijf in 2022 among relatives of her volunteers and on social media received many reactions from relatives. The responses showed that relatives need a number of points that they have missed, such as contact, a listening ear and experience stories. In addition, tips on how to deal with patients and how the loved ones can take care of themselves in the event of grief and loss. With this project, Olive wants to offer help to relatives in these matters.
D. Research Questions
The needs of relatives are first inventoried before the desired roll-out of the project (website, Olive magazine, relatives, volunteers, etc.) is achieved in various phases
E. Research design
A project team consisting of two academics supported by a volunteer will work on this project
F. Expected Outcomes
An adapted website, possibilities for relatives to get in touch with fellow sufferers and that all existing services that Olive offers are also open to relatives
G. Description of steps required to implement result
The project will be completed in four phases:
1. collect information and recruit volunteers from close relatives
2. Adjust website and publish special Olive Leaf edition
3. Set up and expand contact with fellow sufferers
4. Share best practices and evaluation

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