And if asking for an invoice helps compose your renovation? Experts study impact

by time news

March 31, 2023 23:37

With or without tax number? Invoices may have other advantages in addition to the IRS

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Experts study a range of solutions to complement pensions. Ceiling is under evaluation, but will not advance as a proposal. Workgroup suffered a drop

March 31, 2023 23:37

Elizabeth Miranda

Asking for an invoice with a taxpayer number is a way to obtain discounts from the IRS and to help combat tax evasion, but in the future, it may have an added advantage: increasing the value of retirement pensions. The idea has been germinating in the group of experts to whom the Government commissioned the study on the sustainability of Social Security and, depending on its budgetary impact, it could become part of the final list of proposals that at the end of July will reach the Ministry of Work, Solidarity and Social Security.

Four months from the end of the calendar, the experts are still far from a definitive outline of the ‘green book’ that they will deliver to Ana Mendes Godinho but it is certain that, in addition to proposals to strengthen the social security system (which results from direct discounts for workers ) will also come up with suggestions to encourage citizens, companies and the State to invest in complementary schemes — that is, in solutions to reinforce the value of the ‘official’ pension. One of the ideas on the table, Expresso knows, is to divert part of the VAT to an individual account, leaving the amount to be capitalized until the time of retirement.

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