And if he was carrying not me, but his grandmother?

by time news

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Recently, I very often have to travel around Narva by public transport. Different bus routes, different drivers. But there is one common problem – the safety of passengers on buses with zealous drivers. Sometimes they start moving like that, they stop moving at stops, they twist the steering wheel so famously when cornering that if you don’t sit or don’t have time to get to the seat and stand, then you risk profiling the cabin into the far corner. And well, if successful. Considering that the buses are mainly used by pensioners, elderly people, this, in my opinion, can really be recognized as an unimagined problem.

Sometimes I just wanted to turn to some drivers: “And if you were driving your grandmother, would you also drive the car like that?”.

Actually, judging by the conversations of friends, this situation happens not only in our Narva buses. But in this case, I’m talking about Narva. Maybe, I thought, our stops are made in such a way that it’s not normal to drive up to them, or our buses are not as good as required, or the roads are poorly cleaned, there are a lot of potholes?

It turns out it could be different!
I can’t say exactly which of the city routes, but a couple of times I happened to ride a bus with a female driver. And you know, a completely different picture: without jerks, gently, calmly. With respect to the passengers.

I risk causing indignation of some readers for such a gender-unequal statement, but the fact remains.

And I also thought: interesting, but does the concept of “professionalism of a public transport driver” include only accident-free movement of a bus around the city or something else?

Antonina Harmful

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