And not only that: a historic antiquities site was discovered in a house in Jerusalem

by time news

Police officers who arrived at the home of a resident of East Jerusalem to search for protected birds, arrested the suspect of possession and trade in protected birds. In the search of his house, a historical antiquities site was discovered

Tonight, as part of an activity by the MGB fighters in Ras al Amud in East Jerusalem, the forces raided the house of a suspect, a local resident, according to information received by the MGB about the trade and possession of protected birds. During the search, the forces seized a habitat of protected wild birds (finches) in the suspect’s house, containing 26 items.

Upon conducting the search in the suspect’s house, the forces noticed the opening of a cave inside the house. The forces entered the cave, discovered a number of ancient items and summoned the inspectors of the Antiquities Authority to the scene.

The inspectors who arrived at the scene identified the antiquities as coffins and pottery from the Second Temple period. As it turns out, the suspect and his family tried to hide the site of the antiquities in order to trade them. The suspect and the findings were transferred to the Nature and Parks Authority and the Antiquities Authority for investigation.

Protected birds and historical ancient site
Photo: Police spokeswoman

Protected birds and historical ancient site

Protected birds and historical ancient site
Photo: Police spokeswoman

Protected birds and historical ancient site

Protected birds and historical ancient site
Photo: Police spokeswoman

Protected birds and historical ancient site

Protected birds and historical ancient site
Photo: Police spokeswoman

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