And the eight-wheelers are gearing up… the preparations for the central sweeper are at their peak

by time news

Shabbat Zakor is already at the door and at the headquarters of the Hasadi Shlomo and Moshe Foundation of the Hasidic Association institutions to welcome the Messiah, the phone, email and WhatsApp are booming.

From the one past, these are many of the people, including the members of the “Hatehedot” Abrach and veterans from all over the country who wish to advance and observe the mitzvah of gifts to the dead, for them and for all the members of their household.

On the other hand, there are requests from the organization’s representatives in the communities or members of families who need support and assistance and who are kneeling under the financial burden, especially in this difficult period when the cost of living is increasing and almost every section of the family budget shows a significant jump.

The members of the fund committee work discreetly on sorting inquiries and invest extra hours to provide a response to all inquiries, according to the criteria established by and under the supervision of the genius rabbis Rabbi Gedaliah Axelrod, Rabbi Shlomo Zalman Levbakker and Rabbi Chaim Yosef Ginzburg.

“Even though this tradition has been going on for 17 years in a row, there is no year like it. Each period brings different challenges and each story touches the heart in its own right. These are not things you get used to and we pray that we will be able to give to all those who are supported as the Rebbe wants and asks of all of us…” Shares Rabbi Shimon (Shimele) Pizm The CEO of the ‘Association’ – who makes time to address our questions amid the multi-tasking load, and immediately continues to handle the multitude of tasks on his shoulders, including making sure that all families will indeed receive assistance by having the people of the heart come to their aid, and artfully and efficiently routes each of the inquiries to the necessary contact person for their specific, unique face.

For many years now, the main fundraiser of “Gifts for Aviyons” in Hasadi Shlomo and Moshe has allowed anyone who is interested to join the mission, to donate to the transparent needy, who are ashamed of all this, and to be sure that 100% of the amount donated reaches the families in need, on the same day.

“The whole essence of our line is giving in a way of honor. Befitting the sons of kings. Here, just today we received a request from a very close friend of ours who knows that his brother needs help but there is no way in the world that he would agree to receive it directly and certainly not from himself. Association’ in order to carry out ‘Matan in secret’ and his brother will have salvation and return on Purim in AZA without having any idea where the help came from. in a way that is respectful and pleasant to his feelings.”

Come now and donate securely and discreetly on the foundation’s website at the “Association of Hasidim” >>

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