And you, do you go to the dentist?

by time news

27% of the population considers oral health as a purely aesthetic matter, however, scientific evidence has shown that poor oral health can lead to systemic diseases such as lung or kidney diseases, risk of myocardial infarction, difficulties in control of diabetes, causing premature births, etc. This happens because oral pathogenic bacteria pass into the bloodstream and reach organs such as the heart, lungs, kidneys, pancreas or cross the placenta in case of pregnancy, increasing the chances of developing or worsening diseases. On the occasion of World Oral Health Day, which is celebrated on March 20, the General Council of Dentists recalls that in order to enjoy optimal oral health it is necessary to maintain good eating and hygiene habits and regularly attend dental check-ups. , as they are essential to detect oral pathologies and treat them in time. Paradoxically, Spain is one of the countries where there are more dentists per inhabitant and where there are fewer regular dental check-ups. This is reflected in the European Health Survey in Spain 2020: only 49% of the population go to the dentist once a year. A figure that rises to 54-56% and drops to 39% in those over 65 years of age. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), oral diseases affect about 3,500 million people worldwide, and caries in permanent teeth is the most frequent pathology. For example, in Spain, 34 million people have cavities and some 5.2 million adults suffer from periodontal disease. The dentist can save your life GENERAL ADVICE OF DENTISTS «The key is to go at least once a year, not wait for our mouth to hurt or postpone visits for the future. There are serious pathologies that can be lethal if not detected on time, such as oral cancer, which is diagnosed in 8,000 people each year in Spain. For this reason, we say that the dentist can save your life”, explains Dr. Óscar Castro, president of the General Council of Dentists. And he adds that “addressing any problem in the oral cavity in time is essential, the solution will always be more easily approachable and less invasive.” Recommendations for enjoying good oral health In addition to regular check-ups at the dentist, Óscar Castro reminds us that in order to have optimal oral health it is essential to maintain good oral hygiene, brushing your teeth at least twice a day with fluoride toothpaste . Likewise, attention must be paid to interdental hygiene, since neither the manual nor the electric brush are capable of reaching the bacteria that accumulate between one tooth and another. It is also necessary to follow a healthy and balanced diet, low in sugar and rich in vegetables, fruit, fish and olive oil. Watch out for added sugars in processed foods, energy drinks, and soft drinks. The consumption of water as the main drink should be encouraged. #YoVoyAlDentista GENERAL ADVICE OF DENTISTS Avoiding alcohol and tobacco is key, because they not only cause stains on the teeth, halitosis and gum disease, they are also important risk factors for oral cancer. In the case of practicing contact sports, it is advisable to use mouth guards to avoid dental fractures. #YoVoyAlDentista photography contest With the aim of promoting visits to the dentist and improving the oral health of patients, the General Council of Dentists has launched a photo contest under the motto and hashtag #YoVoyAlDentista, in which through Instagram and where the originality, freshness and closeness that the images transmit will be especially valued. Patients have to be photographed with their dentist and/or dental clinic staff, upload the image to their Instagram states. The contest will take place from March 20 to April 20 . The top three photos will win an iPad Pro, iPad Air and iPad Mini, plus electric toothbrushes from Oral-B.

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