And you, what is your weirdest eating habit?

by time news

All tastes are in nature. There are probably as many ways to eat as there are human beings on earth. But when we confess some of our WTF eating habits, it is unanimously that we can be judged as “weird”. Amélie Nothomb, she had recognized that she liked eating rotten fruit. Some will consider it normal to eat Camembert with chocolate or pears with Roquefort. Others will not bear to eat spaghetti when they would sell their soul for a plate of penne. With horror, we have already observed a young man empty the burrito he had just ordered to eat only the pancake.

And you, what is your unmentionable little food secret? Do you make risky associations? Are certain tastes that seem to be unanimously unbearable to you? Do you have a phobia of certain foods? Do you only eat foods of a certain color? Are you so picky that dinner invitations are a hassle to manage? Tell us about it in the form below. Your contributions will be used to write an article.

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