Andalusia will pay the agricultural insurance incentive when contracting the policy

by time news

2023-08-13 09:02:11

The Advisory for Agriculture, Fisheries, Water and Rural Development has taken a new step of singular relevance in its commitment to administrative streamlining aimed at facilitating the payment, in this case to agricultural insurance, of aid for the agricultural, fishing and agri-food sectors.

It deals with agriculture, livestock, aquaculture and the forestry sector, and the novelty in question refers to agricultural insurance, since the Board is putting into operation the mechanisms that will allow the subsidies that are granted for contracting agricultural insurance can be paid at the time of contracting the policy, which will be done gradually. In the coming months, the Board will make the first call for aid in this regard, which will include some of the most relevant insured productions in our region.

For the counselor, Carmen Crespo, “this measure is one more attraction for farmers when it comes to signing agricultural insurance.” Crespo wanted to recall the commitment of the Andalusian Government since the last legislature for “the insurance of crops and farms, which has resulted in the fact that, currently, the number of insured beneficiaries of this subsidy has increased by 16 %”. The owner of Agriculture of the Junta de Andalucía In this regard, he explained that from 2019 to 2022 agricultural insurance aid payments have gone from 8.6 million euros to almost 11.3, which reflects “the significant budgetary effort that this commitment translates into”. He has also pointed out that while the beneficiaries four years ago did not reach 9,000, in the last year they have reached 10,300.

The counselor has also valued this progress that “benefits a sector that needs agricultural insurance as it is highly exposed to weather and other contingencies that can endanger their crops, aquaculture facilities or farms and livestock production” . In this sense, he wanted to emphasize the consequences that climate change is having, much more in the case of Andalusia, since “among these situations is this persistent drought that wreaks havoc on crops or livestock feed, due to the absence of pasture, or lack of water for the animals to drink”.

Crespo wanted to value “the sensitivity towards these professionals, to whom from the Ministry we try to respond by being more agile so that the money can be in the hands of those who really need it as soon as possible”. The counselor has insisted on the support offered by the Andalusian Government to farmers and ranchers who take out agricultural insurance policies, with aid of the order of 12 million euros that significantly complements those granted by the State Insurance Entity Farmers, Enesa.

The agricultural insurance aid lines that support the contracting of policies establish a public-private participation formula in which producers and administrations participate to guarantee the income of farmers, ranchers, fish farmers and professionals in the forestry sector.

Payments corresponding to the 2022 call

On the other hand, the Ministry of Agriculture is proceeding to pay new aid for agricultural insurance in 2022. These days, the sector is receiving the subsidy for its policies for an amount of almost 1.4 million euros, which are added to the previous payments of said call until reaching a total amount of almost 11.3 million euros.

In this call, the provinces of Seville, Córdoba and Almería stand out with 3 million euros, 2.7 million euros and 1.7 million euros respectively.

#Andalusia #pay #agricultural #insurance #incentive #contracting #policy

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