2024-08-13 16:08:51
Andre Taulany. Photo: Instagram/andreastaulany
jpnn.comJAKARTA – Comedian and singer, Andre Taulany, expressed his feelings amidst the divorce proceedings from Rien Wartia Trigina.
Through his Instagram account, he uploaded a wise sentence about making peace with circumstances.
“Keep being the best version of yourself. Stay good even when you’re tired, make peace with the situation, don’t get angry,” Andre Taulany said recently.
“The body can be tired, the cheeks can be wet, but don’t give up. Slowly everything will be beautiful, believe me,” he continued.
It is known that Andre Taulany filed a divorce lawsuit against Rien Wartia Trigina at the Tigaraksa Religious Court, Tangerang since April 2024.
The divorce process between him and the woman who is familiarly called Erin is still ongoing in court and has become a topic of conversation among netizens on social media.
Andre Taulany admitted that he had thought carefully before filing for divorce.
“The decision was not taken in a moment, of course it was thought through carefully. It went through a process of mutual discussion, everything was thought through well,” said Andre Taulany in the Tendean area, South Jakarta recently.
Comedian and singer, Andre Taulany, expressed his feelings amidst the divorce process from Rien Wartia Trigina.