André Valadão on ‘cancellation’: ‘I rejoice in the pursuit’

by time news

2023-07-11 01:56:10

Pastor André Valadão released a statement reiterating his position on his sermon that was widely distorted by the media, and adding that he rejoices even in the persecution he has been suffering.

In the text, André Valadão emphasizes that he never encouraged any kind of hostility or even violence against homosexuals in his preaching that announced the need for repentance, and that since then, his family has been attacked as part of the retaliation against him.

In the caption of the publication, André Valadão says that “the level of misrepresentation, attack and cancellation has been unspeakable”, and that “this has caused me and my family terrible damage”.

At the end, the pastor adds: “But my righteousness comes from God and my peace is in Him. I move forward and continue with my faith in Jesus and his holy Word. God is just, faithful and powerful.”

check the full from the note published by André Valadão:

Dear brothers and friends,

I’ve been introspective and prayerful to understand the avalanche of events these last few days. My life and that of my family were exposed, lies and distorted interpretations spread. But today I found peace and I want to put things in their right places.

First: I do not admit, I have never admitted and I have never incited any of the faithful who listen to me to attack, offend or cause any kind of harm, physical or emotional, to anyone. I repudiate any attack and use of physical or verbal violence against people because of their sexual orientation. I am against any hate crime and incitement to violence.

As a Christian, I hold that God loves the sinner. And sinners we are all, as the apostle Paul says in Romans 3:23. We depend, without exception, on the forgiveness, mercy, and grace of God through Jesus Christ.

Despite all the media repercussions From what I said at the service on July 2nd until now, I have to say that none of our faithful interpreted what I said the way the press reported it. There are no reports of aggression or threats.

I did nothing but repeat what is written in the Bible.

Furthermore, my preaching as a pastor was addressed only to the faithful and is protected by freedom of worship, whether in Brazil or in the United States. Freeloaders on duty are using the episode in a distorted way to distill their hatred against Christians.

The expression “God left the dirty work to us” never left my mouth, which countless people maliciously spread around. They will respond in court. One only has to watch the video of the service to see that this phrase was never said.

By referring to the story of the flood and Noah, I wanted to remember the consequences that sin can have on all of us. “For the wages of sin is death,” says Romans 6:23. Today, death is spiritual, it is complete separation from God. It is up to us to take care that our children do not fall into traps that distance them from God.

That’s what he meant by taking the strings again, “resetting the machine” and starting over.

We need to be more firm in our teaching of faith and the Word.

“Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Make no mistake; neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate men, nor sodomites, nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God,” says the apostle Paul in the first letter to the Corinthians.

Moreover, I rejoice even in the persecution.

“However, what does it matter? The important thing is that in any way, whether for dubious or noble reasons, Christ is being proclaimed, and therefore I rejoice ′′ (Philippians 1:18).

#André #Valadão #cancellation #rejoice #pursuit

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