André Wyss to be appointed to the board of directors of the CFF

by time news

Bern, 08.21.2024 – At its meeting on August 21, 2024, the Federal Council approved the appointment of André Wyss to the board of directors of the SBB. Mr. Wyss will be elected to the board of directors at the general meeting in April 2025 and will succeed Monika Ribar in 2026 as president of that board.

André Wyss was born in 1967 and is of Swiss origin in Bottmingen (BL). Since 2018, he has been the CEO of Implenia, an internationally active Swiss company and a leading provider of services in the construction and real estate sectors. In addition, Mr. Wyss is a member of the board of directors of Ina Invest AG as well as the board of shareholders of E. Merck KG. He is also president of the “Statistic-Volkswirtschaftliche Gesellschaft Basel” (Basel Society for Statistics and Political Economy) and president of the association “Freunde der Baloise Session” (Friends of the Baloise Session).

After an apprenticeship as a chemical operator, André Wyss studied economics at the Höhere Wirtschafts- und Verwaltungsschule in Zurich (HWV; university of economics and administration management) and advanced his skills at Harvard Business School. Before joining Implenia, he was a member of the management of the Novartis group, where he managed in particular global production and all core services, representing approximately 40,000 employees. As such he has gained extensive international experience. In addition, Mr. Wyss is a major and commander of the Swiss army. He has a deep knowledge of the Swiss political and economic context and thus fulfills all the conditions for his new role within the SBB.

Appointment and succession procedure
The general meeting appoints the members of the board of directors of CFF SA as well as its president for a period of two years. As the sole shareholder of the SBB, the Confederation exercises the rights vested in the general meeting. Véronique Gigon, member of the board of directors, will resign her mandate at the 2025 general meeting, Monika Ribar, president of the board of directors, will leave her position at the 2026 general meeting, as she will have achieved her mandate. the maximum authorized period is twelve years.

In order to ensure the uninterrupted succession of Monika Ribar, the Federation launched the search process early enough, and after that André Wyss was the right person for this position. At its extraordinary meeting on 12 August 2024, the SBB Board of Directors decided to ask the Federal Council to appoint André Wyss.

Mr. Wyss will retire from his activities in Implenia at the end of March 2025. At the ordinary general meeting in April 2025, he will be appointed a member of the Board of Directors of the SBB, which he will take over as Chairman in 2026. the opportunity to prepare for the role this by working for a year with Monika Ribar within that council.

Address to ask questions

Franziska Ingold, responsible for DETEC communications, [email protected]


Federal Council

DETEC Secretariat

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