A lawsuit against Donald Trump and Elon Musk, for “intimidation attempts and threats” against workers, was filed today in federal labor court by the American union of auto workers (UAW).

The Republican nominee for the White House and Musk, an avowed supporter, debated Monday night on Platform X, citing various radical theories.

“I see what you’re doing. You arrive, ask “Do you want to quit?” and they’re going on strike,” Trump told his interlocutor. “They go on strike and you say: ‘Okay then, you’re all fired. You all get fired,” he continued. Several times during this conversation, the two men can be heard laughing.


The union explained that it was taking legal action against “disgraceful billionaires Donald Trump and Elon Musk for their illegal attempts to threaten and intimidate workers who are mobilizing through concerted, protected actions such as strikes.”

“Under federal law, workers cannot be fired for striking and the threat of firing is illegal,” added the union, which has endorsed Democratic presidential candidate Kamala Harris. Previously, he supported Joe Biden.

“Trump and Musk both want workers to sit back and plug it and they openly laugh about it. It’s heartbreaking, illegal and completely predictable from these two rascals,” union president Sean Fein said.

Musk has previously been criticized for preventing unionization of his employees around the world. After acquiring the Twitter platform (now X), he proceeded with mass layoffs and in mid-April he announced that “more than 10%” of Tesla’s workforce worldwide, i.e. at least 14,000 people, would be laid off.

Several lawsuits have also been filed in California by former SpaceX employees who alleged “retaliation” against those who tried to protest working conditions. In many cases, retaliation took the form of dismissal.

Source: AMPE

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