anglicisms in airports | FundéuRAE

by time news

2023-08-25 10:30:58

In information referring to air traffic and airports, unnecessary Anglicisms frequently appear. Below are alternatives in Spanish to some of the most common.

1. Body scan es body scanner

body scanner o body scan are appropriate alternatives to Anglicism body scan. body scanner refers to the security apparatus installed in airports that allows a person to be searched without the need for physical contact, while body scan is used to refer to the action of scanning with this device.

2. Check in es billing

It is recommended to avoid the term check in when it refers to what in Spanish we call billing o recordeither over the counter or online. for the expression check outthe term can be used salida.

3. Duty free es tax free

It is preferable to replace expressions such as “zones duty freeor “shops” duty free» by “duty-free zones” or “duty-free shops”, respectively.

4. Fast line es quick line

Fast line is the fila o fast queue for access used by some passengers when, generally due to problems at the airport, they may miss their flight if they respect the usual line.

5. Finger es walkway

The term finger can be easily translated into Spanish as walkway, manga o tunnel to refer to the aisle through which passengers enter the plane.

6. Handling es ground assistance

The expressions ground assistance o ground services are preferable alternatives to Anglicism handling to refer to services such as the loading and unloading of aircraft, their cleaning and supply, the transport of passengers, luggage and merchandise to the terminals, etc.

7. Hub es operations center

the english term hub can be translated into Spanish as operations center, hub, center of distribution or the shorter alternatives distributor e exchanger.

8. Jet-lag es jet lag

It is preferable to use Spanish expressions gap o decompensation schedule to Anglicism jet-lag in expressions such as “suffer the jet-lagor “fight the jet-lag».

9. Layover/stopover es scale

The translation for these terms is scalewell be minor scale (layover) when it is less than 24 hours, and more specifically for those that are less than 4 hours, or scale mayor (stopover) if the time exceeds 24 hours.”

10. Low cost es of low cost o of low cost

It is common to find expressions such as “companies low costor “flights low cost», but they can easily be translated into Spanish as «low cost companies» or «economic flights», respectively.

11. Overbooked es overwind

So much overwind as overhiring o overbooking are valid alternatives in Spanish to the widespread Anglicism overbooking.

12. Shuttle bus es (bus) shuttle

shuttle bus or simply shuttle are valid alternatives to shuttle bus to refer to the means of transport that allows you to move between the different terminals of an airport.

#anglicisms #airports #FundéuRAE

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