Anglophone crisis in Cameroon: more than 300 deaths in 2023 according to CHRDA – 2024-03-03 19:02:27

by times news cr

2024-03-03 19:02:27

The crisis that has shaken the English-speaking regions of Cameroon for almost 7 years continues to claim victims at a frantic pace. In its annual report on the human rights situation, the Center for Human Rights and Democracy in Central Africa (CHRDA) reports more than 300 deaths in 2023 in the North West and South regions. South West.

A deadly conflict that continues

According to the document published on February 29, 2024, the past year was once again marked by serious abuses committed by both camps. Between the Cameroonian security forces and the independence fighters who are fighting for the creation of an English-speaking “Ambazonia”, civilians find themselves caught in a vice, collateral victims of a conflict that has lasted too long.

The CHRDA particularly points to the massacre of around fifty civilians in the village of Egbekaw, the extrajudicial execution of 5 young people in Ekona by soldiers or the bloody attack against agricultural workers at the CDC by armed rebels . Tragic events among many others in a region under permanent tension.

Serial human rights violations

In addition to these extremely serious violations of the right to life, the report lists numerous other serious violations of fundamental freedoms. Torture, arbitrary arrests, kidnappings, illegal detentions… a veritable repressive arsenal is deployed with complete impunity, with the indifference of the authorities.

Above all, as the CHRDA points out, neither the government nor the separatists seem to be making the slightest effort to bring to justice those responsible for these criminal acts. When investigations are announced, they often come to nothing, giving free rein to the worst abuses.

Towards an end to the crisis?

As the Anglophone conflict enters its 8th year, the time is more than ever for responsibility and dialogue for the parties involved. The security path that the government has taken has only fueled tensions and resentment, with total disregard for human rights.

The Canadian peace initiative rejected last January could, however, offer a unique opportunity to defuse tensions. It remains to be hoped that a window of dialogue will eventually open, before the human toll of this sad latent civil war reaches a point of no return.

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