Angola: Production of electricity close to 7,000 megawatts, but shortcomings in distribution

by time news

2023-05-13 18:50:55

The President of the Republic, João Lourenço, announced Friday, in Malanje province, that, in terms of electricity production, Angola is very close to reaching 7,000 megawatts.

According to João Lourenço, who was speaking to the press at the Laúca Hydroelectric Facility, in Malanje province, the country is currently producing enough energy for demand, as a result of a program aimed at its industrialization.

“All this because we are looking to industrialize our country. We want more industries, because they produce goods, produce services and provide a lot of employment. There is no industry without energy, there is no industry without infrastructure”, stated João Lourenço.

On the other hand, the President of the Republic also recognized that the country still needs to make a lot of efforts to improve the electricity transmission and distribution network.

Only 42% of Angolans have access to electricity. The provinces in the interior of the country have the lowest levels of access rate, such as Bié, Cunene and Lunda Norte, which are around 10%, while in Luanda the access rate is 66%. The Angolan government’s critical task is to respond to the persistent lack of affordability of electricity. This reality acts as a brake on economic development.

In this domain, the situation in Angola is similar to most African countries. According to the International Energy Agency, approximately half of Africans do not have access to electricity, while 80% of companies in sub-Saharan Africa suffer frequent electricity cuts with consequent economic losses.

The momentum behind current policies and investment plans in Africa is still not enough to fully meet the energy needs of Africa’s people. As we reported in another article on Portal de Angola, Africa received less than 1% of world investment in renewable energy.

As access to electricity is very low at the domestic level, and policies for “clean kitchen” installations continue to lag behind in Angola and other countries on the continent in relation to the strong population growth, the use of solid biomass will continue to be a pillar of the food basket. energetic for cooking. This has serious consequences for the environment.

By: José Correia Nunes
Executive Director Portal de Angola

#Angola #Production #electricity #close #megawatts #shortcomings #distribution

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