Anguishing uncertainty or respect for one’s word! [Sayon Mara]

by times news cr

2024-09-25 19:06:26

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The given word is the mother, the compass of all societal virtues! If everyone must look at their personal position and not that of the general interest to take this position or that, we will inevitably find ourselves in a society without reference points, a human jungle dominated by the superego, a society of emptiness. The President of the Transition has everything to gain, I mean everything to gain, by not giving in at all to the temptation of the sirens of the flight of starlings.

The word is so important that in the beginning was the word, in the end it will also be the word. In the Maninka tradition, an old popular saying teaches us this: “Hörö la fèlé akouma kandi”. Literally translated, “The dignity of a man depends on his given word”. Others go so far as to say that what a worthy man loves most in this world is his given word.

In a word, as in a thousand, the fact remains that the salvation of the Transition, our salvation, is that the members of the National Committee for Rally and Development (CNRD), the National Council of the Transition (CNT), the Government are not at all candidates for the elections that must sanction the process underway in our country, and this, in accordance with the provisions of articles 46, 55 and 65 of the Charter of the Transition. This commitment of non-candidacy of the current leaders, we owe it to the social body, to the noblest institution which is the army founded on the code of honor.

The Chief must be careful of those who praise him at every turn; he must be wary of people who push him to go against his commitments, because they do not like him at all. When you love a Chief, you help him to respect his commitments.

In traditional African societies, particularly in Guinea, the given word is the mother of all societal norms. And we must avoid confronting the Chief with his own words or commitments, in a word, with himself, because the Chief has no excuse for denial. Raw truths do more good to the Chief than some flattery.

There is no need to recall here that those who applaud or often push the Leader against his principles are the same ones who will deliver him tomorrow.

My General, do not give in.

May God protect Guinea, which we love so much!

Easy MARA, Juriste

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