Animal vs. Plant Protein: Which is Better for Weight Loss and Overall Health?

by time news

2024-02-20 19:26:21

Animal or plant protein…which is better for weight loss?

Plant protein options often contain more fiber than animal proteins, which may provide additional health benefits.

Experts recommend working to incorporate at least some plant proteins, such as beans, into the diet, in addition to focusing on lean animal protein, such as fish or chicken. The type of protein you eat can play an important role in healthy weight control. Now more than ever, people are focused on meeting their protein goals. But it’s not just the amount of protein you get that’s important, its source is key, too.

Protein is necessary for the body to perform its functions. It can be found in a wide range of foods; From low-fat dairy to tofu.

In general, people can get protein from animal sources; This includes chicken, fish and eggs, or they can get their protein from plant sources, such as nuts, lentils, beans or whole grains.

Although many people associate protein with meat, experts say vegetarian options may be the healthiest option, especially for people looking to lose or control weight.

To further clarify, Amanda Velasquez, director of obesity medicine at Cedars-Sinai, said, “The data is beginning to prove more and more that plant protein is equally effective in providing the necessary nutrition to the human body.” She added, “With plant protein, there are more benefits as a whole compared to animal protein.” This is according to what was published by the specialized medical website “Health”.

Here’s how animal protein compares to plant-based when it comes to weight loss, plus how to prioritize protein in a balanced diet.

How does protein play a role in weight loss?

No matter the source, protein is a great way to help with healthy weight loss or control.

Because protein can improve a person’s metabolism, eating larger amounts of protein can lead to greater feelings of fullness, says Dr. Amber Schaefer, a clinical nutritionist at the Mayo Clinic College of Medicine and Science. She added, “Protein not only helps people feel full, but it can help them feel full for longer periods of time.”

Velasquez goes back and says, “All macronutrients affect the body differently in terms of how long it takes to digest and process in the digestive system. “For protein, it takes longer to break down and, as a result, requires more energy.”

In addition to helping with weight loss itself, protein is also a vital part of maintaining a healthy body while individuals cut calories.

“The individual will unintentionally lose some degree of muscle mass when he loses weight along with fat mass,” Velasquez explained. Therefore, in order to maintain that muscle mass, it is important that a person consumes sufficient amounts of protein for his body.”

Should I meet my protein goal every day?

In general, plant protein comes out on top when it comes to protein sources. Experts agree that vegetarian options tend to be healthier for the body as a whole. Vegetable protein sources tend to contain more fiber than animal protein.

According to Velasquez, “When it comes to losing weight, it is especially important not only to eat a high percentage of protein in the diet, but also to follow a diet rich in fiber. Animal protein will not contain a high percentage of fiber like plant proteins. For example, a cup of black beans contains about 42 grams of protein and about 30 grams of fiber. For example, half a piece of boneless fish contains about 43 grams of protein, but no fiber.

Boosting the fiber often associated with plant proteins can promote additional aspects of well-being.

“Plant proteins, of course, contain fiber, which also helps us feel full for longer, helps with intestinal health, and promotes regular bowel movements,” Schiffer confirms. This in itself can help with weight management.”

In this context, plant products also tend to be healthier for the body in general. But it depends on the specific type of protein and how you cook it. But in general, plant proteins contain less saturated fat than animal proteins, according to Schiffer. She went on to say, “We recommend staying away from overly processed options, because that can of course add additional calories from saturated fats; “Processed foods not only contain more calories, but they also consume more calories and negatively affect the body.”

“Lunch meat is a good example of this,” Velasquez says. “It is often treated with nitrites, which are linked to colorectal cancer.” “More broadly, consuming large amounts of red meat (particularly processed) has been linked to higher rates of type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and mortality.”

For this reason, Schiffer says, “If we overconsume animal products, such as eating large amounts of steak; Over time, this may lead to increased stress on the body.”

Is eating vegetarian really better for heart health?

The study says yes, prioritizing a nutritious, protein-packed diet is key.

In general, the amount of protein that adults need daily is about 0.8 grams per kilogram of body weight. This means that a 150-pound person needs about 55 grams of protein per day. Whether the goal is to lose weight or just stay healthy, people should try to get the right amount of protein daily.

Choosing where to get this protein can be difficult. Products like protein powder can also be easy additions to a person’s routine that help them achieve their protein goals; However, Velasquez adds, “It is a processed ingredient, so you must be very careful and read the nutritional label, as this is essential when it comes to protein powders.” I encourage plant-based products; “Instead of increasing your protein intake through powders, the best thing you can do is add more natural protein directly to your diet.”

Schiffer concludes by saying, “Plant-based protein may be the healthiest option, but this does not necessarily mean that a person should become a vegetarian overnight. Instead, make a trade-off whenever possible; And so; We recommend eating at least three servings of some form of legume, whether that’s lentils, chickpeas, or beans if you like. “And maybe just switch out red meat that week so you can reduce the amount of saturated fat you’re getting.” She explained, “Restricting all animal proteins is not necessary to lose weight or maintain health either; “A balanced diet can include animal and plant proteins.” “My typical recommendation is to get a combination of both,” she said. “In general, people should try to lean towards plant proteins.”

For his part, Velasquez notes that lean proteins such as fish, seafood, chicken, and turkey are good options if people want to stick to some animal protein; “The important thing to know is that quality is important,” she said.

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