Anna Castillo, against censorship on Instagram | Digital Transformation | Technology

by time news
Anna Castillo

He takes pictures in analog, but considers himself a digital person. “The best thing about technology is its practicality, it solves your life; the worst thing is that it distances you a bit from the real world”, reflects Anna Castillo (Barcelona, ​​1993), winner of a Goya for The olive (2017) and protagonist of the invisible line (Movistar+), a series directed by Mariano Barroso about the origin of the terrorist group ETA.

Her “favo” social network, as she says, is Instagram — on her @nanitita account she has 400,000 followers — although she does not share her censorship. “Instagram is sexist. Until the female body stops being sexualized and the female nude is not normalized, as the male body is, there will continue to be censorship, ”she denounces. “To be consistent with what I think, I upload the photos I want. I have never been censored because I have not shared anything explicit. I don’t feel like doing it, but I do want to show images that seem normal to me to visualize it”.

Instagram has also made his cat Captain Castillo (@capitancastillog) popular. “I have had it for three years. I went crazy with love because I had never had a pet. The only thing he wanted was to show his photos, like when you upload stories of the person you like. People began to love him a lot and a girl opened her own account for him.” As for Twitter, the actress confesses that she does not know how it works well. “I like to be aware of everything, gossip on Twitter because it’s the fastest, but I don’t feel comfortable interacting.

The other day with Brays Efe (actor with whom he coincided in the series Paquita Salas) he wanted to respond to a tweet and he did not know if he was sending it to him or if the people who had answered him were reading it. She admits that she is better at dealing with haters. “They appear if I talk about politics, like in the last elections, but I don’t care. If the comments were derogatory, I blocked the person: you don’t have to disrespect me. The haters they are unavoidable but they are also people who get very bored. I can think a lot of things about the people I see on Instagram but I wouldn’t think of saying to anyone: ‘Well, what a shitty person you are’. I don’t do it being known but I didn’t do it when I wasn’t so famous either. I don’t have that lack of education.”

In his filmography, if we talk about technology, the transsexual character he played in the series stands out Web Therapy: “I did online therapy with the character of Eva Hache”. And as for futuristic sneak peeks, she remembers her when she was cryogenically frozen in the last season of I am alive. “In real life I don’t understand the process of cryogenization, what are the benefits and contraindications. You sure can’t throw yourself 20 years frozen and then wake up like it was nothing,” she jokes. But if she could choose, she would want to travel to the past more: “Being able to see my parents when they were little. It’s a little cheesy, but it would give me a lot of love to meet them.”

No TV, better a projector

Although she is not a fan of the genre, the actress chooses Interstellar, by Christopher Nolan, as one of those science-fiction films that she would put on her cinema projector. “It is from the Optoma brand, in white. I bought it two years ago. Since I don’t have a television, I usually watch a program on the computer, and I use the projector to enjoy movies and series”.

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