Anna Gabriel chooses a lawyer from the nationalist left

by time news

Updated: 07.19.2022 14:27 h.

This Tuesday the former deputy of the CUP in the Parliament of Catalonia Anna Gabriel has returned to Spain after four years on the run in Switzerland to surrender to the supreme court and regularize their procedural situation. But she has not done it alone. The cupaire has done it advised by Iñigo Iruina historical lawyer of the nationalist left.

It is no coincidence that Anna Gabriel has chosen this lawyer to accompany her in her delivery before the supreme court, given that the Basque has extensive experience in the high court. There Iruin defended three of the founders, promoters and directors of a Basque newspaper accused of belonging to an illegal association subordinated to ETA in the case Diary. However, his great judicial victory was the Lasa and Zabala casewhere he defended the families of the two young men tortured by the GAL and obtained the sentence of Enrique Rodríguez Galindo, general of the Civil Guard. They also highlight the Zabalza case and the process of legalization of unity.

From the environment of the inationalist left

Iruin was not only linked to the nationalist left in the tribunals. In 1984 he was elected as deputy of People’s Union in the elections for the Basque Parliament, where he held office until 1989. He also participated in drafting the statutes of Create and got that, After decades of outlawing the parties around Batasuna, the new formation will pass the filters of the Constitutional Court and the Law of Parties.

Façade of the Supreme Court / EUROPA PRESS

At that time, the lawyer stated that the new political party met three of the four parameters set by the supreme supreme court to verify that it is not a formation successor to another previously banned. Iruin then argued that there was no similarity in structures or means of financing, nor was there a willingness to support terrorism. However, he recognized that those who were part of it were members of the nationalist left.

Follow Serret’s footsteps

The ERC deputy, Meritxell Serret, in the plenary of the Parliament / EUROPA PRESS

The ERC deputy, Meritxell Serret, in the plenary of the Parliament / EUROPA PRESS

With the choice of her new lawyer, Anna Gabriel has decided to follow the same steps as the ex-minister Meritxell Serretwho was also advised by Iruin and who appeared voluntarily before the supreme court.

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