Anne Hidalgo offers free public higher education for all

by time news

After Emmanuel Macron, who insisted on the social aspect of his program on Saturday, it is the turn of the socialist candidate to want to strike hard in the matter. A few hours before a last meeting, Sunday April 3 in Paris, Anne Hidalgo proposed, in an interview with The Sunday newspapera “emergency law” for young people, with additional measures to its program, dictated by inflation. She intends to make it her first measure if she comes to power.

Read also: Jean-Luc Mélenchon, Anne Hidalgo and Valérie Pécresse in a meeting one week before the first round… Follow the political news live

Mme Hidalgo notably offers “Total free registration fees for all students” who register in “public higher education”, “from the start of the 2022 school year” and “without means test”. “The state will compensate. Student life contribution fees will also be exempt. This represents 500 million euros per year”, she explains. To his eyes, “Parcoursup’s algorithms, money or social determinism should not decide their lives for them”.

She also offers “free daily transport, from the 1is July, for all young people under 26, at a cost of 2 billion euros in a full year”. She also hears “establish the meal at 1 euro” in the restaurants of the regional centers for university and school works (Crous) and “raise personalized housing assistance and study grants by 10% on 1is october ».

“The games are not done”

The candidate, who had already committed to setting up a means-tested minimum youth income and an endowment of 5,000 euros for any new adult, believes that“with inflation at 4.5 points and (…) between the Covid crisis and the war in Ukraine(…) we can’t weigh in’ on young people “all the cost of the crises we are going through”.

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According to Mme Hidalgo, “these new expenses amount to 3 billion euros net”that she wants to find “by broadening the tax base for calculating large fortunes and adding a tax on the superprofits of multinationals”. She also wants to recover “all the money from tax optimization, which is akin to fraud, by reviewing all of these devices”.

“The games are not done”assures the mayor of Paris. “If you want to change the future of our children, you have to vote for the left of transformation and not for the left of vociferation, incapable of calling for a blockade against the far right in 2017 and guilty of complacency towards Vladimir Putin”she adds, in a tackle to Jean-Luc Mélenchon, the candidate of La France insoumise, also at a meeting this Sunday, in Toulouse.

Read also: Article reserved for our subscribers The war in Ukraine, the number one angle of attack against Mélenchon on the left

The World with AFP

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