Anniken Huitfeldt will be the new US ambassador – NRK Norway – Overview of news from different parts of the country

by time news

In the King in Cabinet today, it became clear that Huitfeldt will become Norway’s ambassador in Washington DC.

– We are very happy about this appointment. With two years as foreign minister and eight years as head of the defense committee, she is at the top of Norwegian foreign policy, says foreign minister Espen Barth Eide.

Ambassadors are usually chosen from the diplomats’ own ranks. The Minister for Foreign Affairs emphasizes that it is still not unique that a politician is appointed.

– The government’s role is to find those who are best suited, and sometimes they come in from the side. We believe that Huitfeldt is the right person for the job in the current situation, says Barth Eide.

A satisfied Huitfeldt received flowers in the walking hall in the Storting after the appointment.

Photo: NTB

He justifies this by the fact that the USA is in a transitional period where experience from the top political level is important in the work of safeguarding Norway’s relationship with the country.

– It gives access that you don’t necessarily get as a traditional diplomat. We believe that Huitfeldt will be well able to look after the many relationships we have in the USA.

A deputy will also work together with Huitfeldt. Who this will be has not been decided.

– But we will not appoint two politicians to the same station, assures Barth Eide.

The current ambassador to the USA, Anniken Krutnes, is scheduled to step down in August.

According to the Constitution, you cannot be a parliamentary representative at the same time as you work in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Huitfeldt will therefore resign from the role.

Resigned after share issue

In the autumn, Huitfeldt was sacked as foreign minister. Part of the reason was the commotion surrounding her husband Ola Flem’s purchase of 100 shares in Norwegian companies while Huitfeldt was in the position.

Jonas Gahr Støre said at the time that Huitfeldt wanted to continue as minister, but that she had to resign in order to create trust after the share case. Espen Barth Eide took over as foreign minister.

Then calm subsided, and earlier this year it became clear that the prime minister wanted Huitfeldt in the top job in the foreign service.

– The Labor government is back

– In just a few months, Anniken Huitfeldt went from a crisis of confidence to a top position in one of the most prestigious jobs in the Norwegian foreign service, says Sylvi Listhaug (Frp).

The FRP leader has been critical of the appointment since it became known in January. She believes that the government’s appointment of Huitfeldt as new ambassador to the United States may contribute to weakening trust in Norwegian politicians.

– It is clear that the Ap state is back, where party background is more important than qualifications, says Listhaug.

Sylvi Listhaug (Frp) says that although Huitfeldt is capable, she is not the best candidate.

Photo: Rodrigo Freitas / NTB

She believes Støre should learn from the competence rounds in the Storting. Here, Huitfeldt was one of those who received criticism from the control committee, along with Erna Solberg (H) and Tonje Brenna (Ap).

– This sends out very unfortunate signals that can contribute to weakening trust in Norwegian politicians, says Listhaug.

Conservative leader Erna Solberg says for her part that it is up to the government to appoint the ambassadors they think are best suited.

– I would like to wish Anniken Huitfeldt the best of luck in a new role.

The Progressive Party and the Socialist Left Party do not agree on much. But here the two parties met.

– We don’t need another example of uncultured people where important positions are handed out to powerful people in the party, writes Ingrid Fiskaa in an e-mail to NRK.

Academics in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs have also said that it is problematic if the statutory appointment process is set aside.

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