another 48 hours of strike in January”

by time news

2023-12-18 12:05:42

“The economic package for 2024 is yet another slap in the face to the public health service and its professionals.” And “without discussion and without substantial news on the requests underlying our mobilisations, in January we will continue with 48 hours of strike, the dates of which will be communicated as soon as the associative bases have been heard”. This was announced by Pierino Di Silverio, national secretary of Anaao Assomed, Guido Quici, president of Cimo-Fesmed and Antonio De Palma, president of the nurses’ union Nursing up, convinced that the maneuver, as proposed, “humiliates the principles of safeguarding public health and of the right to health protection which continue to not be among the priorities of this country, regardless of the color and political affiliation of those who govern it”.

“Net of expiring contract renewals – continue the unions of doctors and nurses – well below the inflation rate, the real financing of the NHS is only 800 million which will be committed to non-structural interventions, but ‘propaganda’ to make citizens believe in the Government’s commitment to resolving the age-old issue of waiting times. We professionals are the first to suffer the distorting effects of a system no longer able to guarantee access to care and this is the reason why we stand alongside the citizens with the civic duty to continue our protest actions in the coming months, bringing it, if necessary, also to the European Parliament”.

“The numbers of doctors, healthcare managers, nurses and midwives fleeing from Italian wards in favor of hospitals in other European countries – the union leaders denounce – are increasingly alarming and the lack of a serious investment policy in the healthcare system and its human capital leaves no hope for the future. A hemorrhage that brings the NHS closer to the abyss towards which politics has been pushing it for years, with the difference that now there is no more time to save it. We are at a point of no return “.

“Our requests – they continue – represent not only legitimate claims of the categories we represent, but real watchwords that aim to improve the care system as a whole, also taking into account the implications they may have on citizens. Let’s think about the situation of the workplaces in which we operate sadly came to the fore after the fire at the Tivoli hospital which forcefully highlighted the state of abandonment of many hospitals. Infrastructure maintenance is a further piece of a puzzle that no one is taking care of to compose. And to say that Italy has Pnrr funds available for modernization works, but they don’t know exactly how to use them”.

“We are increasingly determined – conclude Di Silverio, Quici and De Palma – to get out of the dead end in which politics has forced us for at least 20 years and we are willing to take all trade union actions to affirm our dignity as professionals and regain the consideration that we deserve. We know that we have millions of Italians at our side who turn to public health every day and who cannot give up public health.”

#hours #strike #January

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