Another cold wave! A new virus, ‘Laywi’, has been found to be transmitted from animals to humans.

by time news

Virologists say China has found another new virus The name Laywi goes from animal to human. Symptoms were mild and no deaths were reported.

11 Aug. 2022 – Dr. Anan Chongkaewwatana, Director of Animal Health and Management Innovation Research Group The National Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology (Biotech) posted a Facebook page that LayV – a new virus found in China.

Before the news started coming out Along with worrying information for the new virus that research teams in China has published the results in the New England Journal of Medicine. what is this virus What’s there to be worried about? Take the information that is available now without any guesswork in advance.

1. The full name of this virus is Langya henipavirus, abbreviated as LayV. paramyxovirus There are viruses known to this group, such as the measles virus and the mumps virus. There are also very serious viruses, such as Nipah and Hendra viruses, which can cause high death rates in infected people. But such violence limited the spread as the host died quickly.

2. China found LayV infection in humans for the first time since the end of 2018 and has been found continuously. So far, there are 35 cases. Important information is Outbreaks do not occur in clusters or clusters. But it’s sparse, indicating that the virus can jump from animal to human. But the virus can’t be spread from person to person yet, or not good.

3. Viruses isolated from patients have very close genetic code. with a virus that is isolated from Shrew or Thai language known as a rat, makes believe Rats are probably the intermediate animals that transmit the disease to humans. but it may be that Other animals may also be home to the virus.

4. Symptoms of patients infected with LayV will have flu-like symptoms, fever, aches, fatigue, and some may have decreased liver and kidney function. There have been no deaths from infected patients.

In a nutshell, LayV virus can infect humans from intermediate animals. There is no evidence of human-to-human transmission. The symptoms were very mild and there were no deaths. and the issue of violence with foreign media trying to put their opinions down to sell news. It’s based on the Nipah virus, not the LayV virus. It’s important to put a big question mark on it so that nothing can confirm this information.

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