another energy check, up to 200 euros?

by time news

WOOD ENERGY CHECK. The National Assembly has voted an envelope of 230 million euros for the creation of new aid for households heating with wood.

[Mis à jour le 10 novembre 2022 à 10h54] After the energy check, and the exceptional fuel check paid on November 8, the government is considering paying new aid for households heating with wood, a “wood energy check“. Indeed, this week, the National Assembly voted in first reading a budgetary envelope of 230 million euros for this brand new device. For the time being, the executive has not given any details as to the amount and the date of payment of this aid. This new check could reach 200 euros, subject to certain income conditions. In addition to this new aid, would you like to know if you are eligible for the fuel oil energy check, or the exceptional energy check which will be paid next December? All the answers to your questions in our dedicated article:

Today, 3 millions of French people warm themselves with wood. With the soaring price of pellets, some households find themselves at a loss when it comes to paying the bill. This is why the government wishes to act to allow the most modest households to heat themselves properly this winter.

This aid should concern both households heating with logsor some pellets (granules).

The executive could decide to model the amount of this new help with wood burning on the fuel exceptional check system:

  • 200 euros : Households whose reference tax income is less than 10,800 euros
  • 100 euros : Households whose reference tax income is between 10,800 and 20,000 euros

No specific date has yet been communicated by the executive. However, the socialist deputy Philippe Brun, behind the amendment, declared this week that “the government will publish a decree to specify the contours in the coming weeks”. What to expect a payment before the end of 2022? Answer in a few weeks.

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