Another victory for Iran on the way to the nucleus

by time news

The Biden administration continues to sit idly by, while the ayatollahs in Tehran continue to advance their nuclear program.

For almost a year and a half, the Group of the Six Powers (US, UK, France, Russia, China and Germany) has been in futile negotiations with Iran, which in turn is currently accelerating its nuclear program by enriching uranium to 60%. Metallic uranium production and addition of more centrifuges.

After agreeing about a year ago to extend the International Atomic Energy Agency’s (IAEA) surveillance mechanism using surveillance cameras installed at sensitive sites, Iran recently announced that it would not allow the agency access to photographs. And perhaps most importantly – the IAEA itself announced last month that rich Iran Enough uranium to make a nuclear bomb.

The ayatollahs’ regime also refuses to answer IAEA questions about uranium remains found at three secret sites in Iran. According to the agency:

Iran has not provided technically reliable explanations in the context of the Agency’s findings at these locations… The Agency is still ready to discuss the matter immediately and resolve all issues “

In November last year, the Institute of International Science and Security warned:

Iran has a sufficient amount of six-fluoride (UF6) uranium, enriched at levels of between 20% and 60%, to produce enough uranium at the operational level – 25 kg for one nuclear weapon – in at least three weeks. It can do so without “Use the enriched uranium reservoir to a level of five percent that is in its possession. The growth of the enriched uranium reservoirs to levels of 20% and 60% percent dangerously shortened the time of the bomb to be detonated.”

Despite all this, the Biden administration has not yet taken any real action to prevent Iran from the possibility of becoming a nuclear state. Even a joint statement by Britain, France and Germany that “Iran has no civilian need for uranium development and research, which is a key step in nuclear weapons,” along with all the other reports, has not yet convinced Biden to act.

The White House must understand that if Iran does become a country with nuclear weapons, there is a high risk that those weapons will reach the various terrorist envoys of Tehran, or that the regime itself will share nuclear knowledge with those groups. Needless to describe the danger in such a situation, not to mention the regional arms race that was launched once the ayatollahs held the bomb.

Meanwhile, Tehran continues to set up weapons factories throughout the Middle East, including sites for the production of long-range missiles with improved accuracy, with the aim of using them to attack other countries. For example, a special panel of UN Security Council experts has revealed that the Houthis in Yemen have received significant quantities of weapons from Iran in the past year:

A significant amount of evidence indicates that Iran-related individuals or Iranian-related entities provide large quantities of weapons and various munitions in favor of the Houthis. “

For many years, the US State Department has described Iran as a “terrorist-financing country.” About a year ago, an Iranian diplomat named Asdoula Assadi was sentenced to twenty years in prison for his part in planning a failed terrorist attack at a rally of anti-regime exiles held in Paris. In a number of other places, including Kuwait, Iranian spies who tried to infiltrate the country were arrested and interrogated, and in other cases it was revealed how Iran used embassies and their employees around the world for similar purposes.

The ayatollahs’ regime frequently threatens to “erase Israel” from the map. General Hussein Salami, who heads the Revolutionary Guards, made the plan clear: “Our strategy is to remove Israel from the world political map,” he said in a 2019 television interview.

In other words, it is a revolutionary regime that prioritizes the pursuit of revolutionary ideals. It also includes a “export export” strategy that seeks to replicate the Iranian regime’s model in other countries around the world. In fact, the ayatollahs have taken care to incorporate this important task into the Iranian constitution, which already clarifies in the introduction:

The purpose of the Constitution is to create the best conditions for human development in accordance with the sublime and universal values ​​of (Shiite) Islam. “

The Constitution further states that it “provides the necessary basis to ensure the continuation of the revolution at home and abroad.”

The Biden administration’s reconciliation policy and the wait-and-see approach it is taking may soon lead the world into a situation where it will have to deal with a nuclear Iran. Conversely, if Biden already decides to eliminate the Iranian nuclear program, this move will not only save the world from another cruel and dangerous regime towards its own citizens and towards neighboring countries, but also perhaps the only move that could save Biden the diver in the polls.

Dr. Majid Rafizadeh is a political scientist at Harvard University and president of the American International Council for the Middle East. A full version of the column was first published on the site Gatestone Institute.

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