Answer of K. Tsiaras on the “coincidences”

by time news


From the Minister of Justice, Costas Tsiaras, we received a response regarding yesterday’s article by Costas Tsouparopoulos entitled “The “coincidences” that led to the bribery of the station master”which reads as follows:

“Dear Mr. Director,

The open recording of scandalous scenarios, something that the author of the article published in your newspaper under the title “The ‘coincidences’ that led to the bribery of the station master” admits, has the clear aim of reproducing insinuations about my alleged involvement or that of the office me, in a case, with which neither I nor my political office is involved in any way, either directly or indirectly.

These are obscenities and fanciful malicious conspiracy scenarios that attempt to link me to the case in order to hurt me personally and politically.

I am sure you will return to the path of truth, reconstructing the completely false scenarios, based on objective evidence, as befits the principles of investigative journalism.

With price,
Kostas Tsiaras
Minister of Justice”

Editor’s response:

We referred to a scenario of “coincidences” that led to the bribery of the station master. We even emphasized that this scenario – which mentions the name of Mr. Chiara – cannot be adopted and has not been substantiated. In any case, the “coincidences” should be investigated. And of course, it is important for a public man that Mr. Tsiaras boldly says “I am not involved”.


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