Answers to 15 Trivia Questions – Revealed!

by time news

2024-01-18 09:56:32

To reveal the answers scroll down

1. What is the official name of the body known as the political-security cabinet?
2. In which Turkish football team did Shagib Yehezkel, who was arrested this week because of a tribute to the abductees on the field, play?
3. How many women ruled Denmark?
4. What is recursion?
5. What character did Peter Crombie, who passed away last week, play in the “Seinfeld” series?
6. In Jane Bordeaux’s song “Beloved”, what is the important thing that the beloved took with him?
7. What is the real name of the South African musician Black Coffee?
8. Who is the month of January named after?
9. What is the most common Islamic stream in Yemen?
10. In what year were the first multiracial elections held in South Africa?
11. And who was its last white president?
12. What was the most sacred and important symbol of the Pythagoreans?
13. What is the shy mimosa?
14. In which part of the atmosphere is the ozone layer?
15. What type of vehicle is the military NMR?

Answer 1

The Ministerial Committee for National Security

Answer 2

Answer 3

Two: the first Magreta between 1387 and 1412 and the second Magreta from 1972 until last week

Answer 4

A phenomenon whose instance contains another instance of it, so that it occurs and is reflected in its entirety within itself

Answer 5

Crazy Joe Devola

Answer 6

Answer 7

Nkosinathi Innocent Mapofumolo

Answer 8

Named after the Roman god Janus – god of gates, beginnings and endings

Answer 9

Sunnis of the Shafaite school

Answer 10

Answer 11

Frederic Willem de Klerk

Answer 12

The Tetraktis, a triangle consisting of ten points

Answer 13

A climbing plant with a unique feature of sensitivity to touch, therefore known as “don’t touch me”

Answer 14

in the lower part of the stratosphere

Answer 15

APC based on the chariot tank chassis

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#official #body #politicalsecurity #cabinet

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