Anthony Delon writes “his sadness” after the death of Ari Boulogne

by time news

2023-05-21 01:35:41

“Rest in peace Ari. “In the evening this Saturday, Anthony Delon paid tribute to Ari Boulogne, the 60-year-old photographer who has always claimed to be the son of Alain Delon and found dead last night in Paris. “A tragic destiny. Sadness. A thought this evening for his two children”, soberly wrote the son of the famous actor and actress Nathalie Delon in an Instagram post, accompanied by a black photo with simply written “RIP” for “rest in peace”.

A tribute all the more surprising that Alain Delon has always disputed being the father of Ari Boulogne. His mother, Nico, model and icon of the Velvet Underground, who died in 1988, has always claimed that her son was the result of a fleeting affair with the comedian in the early 1960s. If this filiation was proven, Anthony Delon would be Ari Boulogne’s little brother for two years.

In an autobiography published in March 2022, the son of Alain and Nathalie Delon recounted his childhood, “raised by a nanny”, speaking of his father’s bloodshed, able to pull out the whip because he held himself badly at the table. , to make him run around a lake in the freezing night or to strangle him in a judge’s office. He had explained to the Parisian that this book “was not a settling of accounts”.

Ari Boulogne’s companion placed in police custody

Ari Boulogne, born Christian Aaron Päffgen, had filed in September 2019 a request for recognition of paternity before the judicial court of Orléans (Centre-Val de Loire), Alain Delon having a residence in the Loiret. In August 2020, the court declared “the French jurisdiction territorially incompetent”.

A decision confirmed on appeal in September 2021, because “Alain Delon provides proof that his home is in Switzerland”. Ari Boulogne had instructed his lawyer to appeal in cassation. The appeal is still ongoing. The legal fight could be taken up by his two children, Charles, 24, and Blanche, 17.

His body was found in a state of decomposition around 4 a.m. by the police, called by a 58-year-old woman. She would be a childhood friend of Ari Boulogne and would have explained to the investigators that she was returning from a trip to the region when she made the macabre discovery, accompanied by her son, 21 years old.

She was taken into custody for “failure to assist a person in danger”. The measure was decided to “clarify the circumstances in which the death of the victim, who was hemiplegic”, underlined the Paris prosecutor’s office. The investigation was entrusted to the police station of the 15th arrondissement.

#Anthony #Delon #writes #sadness #death #Ari #Boulogne

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