Anthony Fauci: from controversial crisis management to an unexpected resignation

by time news

An overly publicized figure throughout the Covid-19 epidemic, Dr. Anthony Fauci, chief medical adviser to Joe Biden, announced that he would leave office in December 2022. Following this announcement, which occurred on August 22 last and widely commented on social networks, it is worth recalling his record of crisis management mandate.

From Reagan to Biden: America’s Chief Public Health Advisor

For almost 40 years now, its influence on American health policy has been considerable. Having held the position of chief adviser for American public health since the presidency of Ronald Reagan, he has notably worked on “ HIV/AIDS, West Nile virus, anthrax attacks, pandemic influenza, various bird flu threats, Ebola and Zika, among others, and of course, more recently, the Covid-19 pandemic ». Perhaps it was the latter who got the better of him. On August 22, in a statement made public, the “Mister vaccine” Anthony Fauci declared that he was leaving “thes positions of director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) and head of the NIAID Immunoregulation Laboratory, as well as the position of Chief Medical Advisor to President Joe Biden”. It must be said that these last two years have projected him onto the front of the stage, bringing together health and politics, he who claims to have always wanted to stay away from the second.

In his statement, he nevertheless warns that this decision does not mean that he will ” to retire “. And to assure: After more than 50 years of government service, I intend to move into the next phase of my career while I still have so much energy and passion for my field. […] Over the coming months, I will continue to dedicate all my effort, passion and commitment to my current responsibilities, while helping to prepare the Institute for a leadership transition.”. Will he finally leave health … for politics?

Anyway, his commitment does not fail to arouse reactions on social networks. And for good reason ! It must be said that the decisions of Dr. Fauci have regularly been subject to caution.

Masks, school closures and Fauci leaks

On February 10, 2020, in Europe and the United States, wearing a mask was only recommended for patients with Covid-19, as Dr. Fauci asserted: « At this stage, the risk is low [même si] this risk may change. […] So the question is whether we need to do something different from what we are already doing. No. Should we all wear a mask? Absolutely not “. Like many others, he ends up backpedaling a month later. Then, he is quick to assure that surgical masks have been one of the major solutions to curb the spread of the virus.

See also: In the United States, Dr. Fauci NAID answers NO to the question on the wearing of a mandatory mask

Today, there is no scientific proof as to the effectiveness of masks. According to the results of a study carried out in 123 schools in England which used masks, and compared to others which did not during the Delta wave, thewearing a mask at school has proven to be useless from a virological point of view. In addition, a delay in the acquisition of language and sociability in some young children was noted after cost. To accomplish his social and linguistic development correctly, the child needs to see the faces of others.

On top of that, Dr Fauci was advocating the closure of schools, necessary to « prevent children from being infected ». At the same time, some international bodies have recalled the devastating effects of school closures, of which UNESCO reported the social and economic consequences on children in 2021. This closure would be responsible for considerable delays in learning, which would particularly affect children from underprivileged social classes. In this regard, one of the scientists from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention lamented that « lhe CDC has failed to balance the risks of Covid with the other risks that come with school closures […] Learning loss and worsening mental health issues were evident early on and worsened as guidelines insisted that schools remain virtual. The CDC’s guidance has deteriorated racial equity for generations to come. She let down this generation of kids ».

See also: Covid-19: cascading resignations of NIH and US CDC health experts

let’s remember that if children can indeed be infected, they have extremely little risk of dying from the disease. As Emmanuelle Darles and Vincent Pavan explained to us last May, “children are not affected by the Covid”, but on the other hand, they « are particularly affected by the adverse effects of vaccines ». Separately, a report from Sweden’s Public Health Agency says the country has kept nurseries and schools open for all of its 1.8 million children aged one to 15, without masks, testing or distancing. social; no infant deaths were reported during this ” strong epidemic phase ».

Not hesitating, throughout the crisis, to extol the merits of vaccines, Anthony Fauci has therefore followed (if not drawn) the catastrophist and coercive line of the West. With a particular influence on the whole world.

In June 2021, a document containing almost 3,000 of his email exchanges was declassified and published; it included information about the crisis, in particular on the origin of the virus, on the effectiveness of masks, or even on access to hydroxychloroquine. If these unspoken words from the decision-making sphere had the effect of a bomb, they did not bring down Anthony Fauci.

Read also: The health independence of the French between the emails of Pr Delfraissy and Anthony Fauci

Global health and financial influence

If Anthony Fauci has reigned over the public health of Americans for 38 years, the man is not unanimous. In a book titled « Antony Fauci, Bill Gates and Big Pharma: Their Global War on Democracy and Public Health ”, published on March 9, 2022, lawyer Robert Kennedy Jr. revealed how Dr. Fauci has lobbied the entire medical world since his years in office. He wielded his financial power over hospitals, universities, the press, and the scientists and doctors of the world. The investigation of the book teaches us that, all-powerful, he allowed himself some fraudulent studies, essentially as regards the “sabotage effective therapeutic treatments, especially in the era of the AIDS virus ».

The book also discusses the influence peddling ” and the ” court phenomena from which Dr. Fauci benefited during his years as a National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) researcher. The author denounces, for example, that since his appointment as director of NIAID in 1984, Anthony Fauci distributes six billion dollars in funds ” available to him each year from this research center, to the institutions and scientists who follow his strategy, not hesitating to ruin those who oppose these decisions “. Finally, Robert Kennedy Junior also denounces the political instrumentalization of Covid-19 to impose restrictive measures on populations, which Professor Perronne told us about during an interview with FranceSoir, in February 2022.

See also: “We can no longer accept these State lies” Christian Perronne

For all these reasons, the announcement of his resignation was strongly commented on social networks.

Strong reactions following the resignation of Fauci

Unsurprisingly, Joe Biden considers Dr. Fauci to have saved “ many lives “. In a statement, he said: Thanks to Dr. Fauci’s many contributions to public health, lives have been saved here in the United States and around the world ».

The former President of the United States, Barack Obama, also thanks Dr Fauci, whom he describes as ” once-in-a-century public health leader to guide us through a once-in-a-century pandemic ». He adds that ” few people have touched more lives than Dr. Fauci “, rejoicing” that he hasn’t finished yet ».

But not everyone shares the same sympathy for him. Professor Peter McCullough, for example, regrets that the press release does not mention his poor management of the epidemic, as well as the removal of the possibility of prescribing early molecules, or even the dangers linked to vaccination ” having ruined the lives of so many people ».

For his part, Kentucky Senator Rand Paul says that the resignation of Dr. Fauci ” will not preclude a thorough investigation into the origins of the pandemic, and that he will be asked to testify under oath to all discussions he participated in regarding the lab leak ».

For Michael Seifert, Anthony Fauci is the “ most destructive bureaucrat in American history. » About the management of the health crisis, he says: “ Your grandparents died alone, your business went bankrupt and your child lost two years of education while Dr. Fauci was on TV every day, doing photo shoots for magazines and becoming the employee of the highest paid government.

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