Anti-ageing. RELIFE (Menarini) launches a new collagen modulator

by time news

2023-09-27 12:27:09

Promote a new approach in Aesthetic Medicine, starting from taking care of a person’s appearance as a whole and helping them achieve complete well-being.

With this objective, RELIFE (a Menarini Group company) launched Definisse [KP1]* Collagen modulator bio-peptide, the new product line with the exclusive collagen modulating peptide Key Peptide One [KP1]* .

Composed of three specific products for the face – regenerating serum, redensifying cream and revitalizing eye contour -, each formulation combines [KP1]* with high and low molecular weight hyaluronic acid and other specific ingredients for radiant, younger-looking skin.

As Paolo Rovero, full professor of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, School of Human Health Sciences at the University of Florence and specialized in peptide chemistry, explains, “serine protease is one of the enzymes responsible for the degradation of collagen. The KP1 peptide, the result of over 10 years of research by the University of Florence – he continues – is a derivative of Serpin A1, the physiological inhibitor of serine protease. Our research has shown that KP1 helps increase collagen levels in the skin, protecting it from degradation.”

Collagen “is a very precious protein for our body – adds Chantal Sciuto, specialist in dermatology and aesthetic surgery – as well as one of the main components of the connective tissue which contributes to maintaining the firmness, tone and firmness of the skin, minimizing the presence of wrinkles. Starting from the age of 25-30, however – underlines the dermatologist – the body begins its natural aging process, slowing down the synthesis of collagen and thus starting to create an imbalance. Counteracting skin aging is a challenge that is continually updated with new discoveries, some of which are capable of interacting effectively on the processes underlying chronoaging. As in the case of peptides: sequences of amino acids that mimic the actions of natural skin proteins by functioning as spare parts for cells.” Precisely “by preventing the degradation of collagen – explains Vincent Wong, an expert in aesthetic medicine based in London – this new line, in addition to offering a new approach to anti-ageing, represents a solution that acts in a complementary way to other types of treatments aesthetic products that stimulate the production of collagen”.

“The collagen modulator peptide [KP1]* – reiterates Adele Sparavigna, medical specialist in Dermatology and venereology – acts on the sub-epidermal band which, over time, becomes thicker and less active and therefore requires substances capable of restoring elasticity and lost characteristics. The tests clinics carried out on the three products of the Definisse line [KP1]* – he continues – they demonstrated, after four weeks of treatment, that the skin was younger overall. Significant improvements were found based on specific parameters, such as wrinkles, micro wrinkles, brightness, elasticity.”

For this launch, Relife has chosen Beauty Time as its concept, promoting a new way of seeing skin aging that is based on specific solutions that offer a natural and personalized approach to feeling in harmony in your skin at any age and cultivating your ‘beautiful self’. ‘. “There is no single standard of aesthetic beauty – states Mel Warren, Marketing Portfolio Strategy Manager at Relife – treatments must be personalized. Aging is no longer a process to be hindered at all costs, but a natural path. This is why we should talk more about pro-ageing instead of anti-ageing and how some treatments can make this natural path as pleasant as possible.”

On this occasion Relife also promoted ‘Fragments of beauty’, a work of art by the Swiss master Simon Berger against age shaming, discrimination based on age. To create it, the artist broke a glass wall with a hammer bearing the hateful comments that are frequently read on social networks and, among the fragments of those offensive messages, Berger brought out a female face.

“There are countless women who, every day, are unfairly attacked on social media – concludes Charlotte Ungerth, Marketing Director of Relife Global – We firmly believe that every woman has the right to choose how to appear and be herself. Every woman has the right to choose whether or not to resort to aesthetic medicine. Criticism about women’s appearance will probably never stop, regardless of the choices we make, but it is important not to stop loving ourselves by learning to give less and less importance to what others say.”

#Antiageing #RELIFE #Menarini #launches #collagen #modulator

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