Anti-CGRP monoclonal antibody therapy

by time news

Migraine affects 7 million Italians: the latest remedy discovered by neuropharmacological science is therapy with anti-CGRP monoclonal antibodies. interviewed neurologist Stefano Messina – Head of the Headache Center at the Auxologico Institute in Milan – who explains the goals achieved by scientific research in the discovery of theorigin of the “headache” and the new pharmacological therapies implemented to block the onset of pain.

The Causes of Migraine and the “Responsibility” of the CGRP Protein

15% of the Italian population suffers from migraines and women are more affected, in a ratio of three to one, due to the physiological monthly drop in estrogen. The age group is between 18-20 and 50 years. The pathology presents itself with various symptoms up to the most disabling with the limitation of vision. «Thanks to scientific research – explains neurologist Stefano Messina, – Today we have understood what the biological mechanisms underlying migraine are”We asked Dr. Messina to explain to us, in a way that is accessible even to non-experts in the field, the cause and the remedy.

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«Medical studies have confirmed – clarifies the interviewed neurologist – that a particular neuropeptide, a protein produced by our own body, called CGRPcontributes to the onset of migraine attacks, triggering pain in our brain, specifically in the central nervous system. In short, it is the CGRP protein that “produces” pain. CGRP, released by the nerve fibers of the trigeminal nerve, acts on the vessels and meninges of the brain causing the onset of pain.».

Among the main triggers of migraine – activating the protein CGRP – we have stress and lack of sleep. Data collected from clinical practice reveal that in a very high percentage there is a genetic predisposition.

The Migraine Remedy: The Drug With Anti-CGRP Antibodies

Having established by science that it is the CGRP protein that contributes to migraine attacks and pain, the pharmaceutical industry has been working to provide drugs that act on nerve endings by inhibiting the action of CGRP. Until now, in fact, the most commonly used type of drugs were beta-blockers and tricyclic antidepressants.

«Pharmacological research – continues Dr. Stefano Messina – has thus developed new highly effective drugs containing beneficial monoclonal antibodies, a molecule aimed directly at attacking CGRP to block its action. The antibody administered by subcutaneous injection, monthly or quarterly, to patients who suffer from frequent migraine attacks, aims to prevent migraine. In Our Headache Center botulinum toxin infiltrations are also performed and there is also the possibility of starting therapy with new drugs, administered orally, called gepants. The results are more than satisfactory with a high percentage of reduction in monthly migraine days.».

The generic term “headache” groups 14 types of headache, of which migraine is the most important. Anti-CGRP monoclonal antibodies are effective and safe drugs: a pharmacological therapy in the preventive treatment of migraine now adopted throughout the world and of which Italy with the centers of Milan, Florence and Rome is at the forefront.

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