“Anti-Covid and anti-flu before Christmas”

by time news

2023-12-09 19:37:33

In Italy, “at a national level, occupied Covid beds are growing significantly, but at lower values ​​than last year. In the last 30 days we have gone from around 3,600 occupied ordinary beds to 6,668; while for intensive care from 113 to 219. There is a rise in the data but with doubling times and always on low numbers, a sort of ‘shoulder’ of the virus but the numbers tell us that the system is holding up. Christmas? The peak of hospitalizations in December 2022, recorded on December 12, it was 9,764 ordinary beds occupied; this year we should remain below 9,000, in any case below the peak of December 2022”. Thus at time.news Salute Antonello Maruotti, professor of Statistics at Lumsa University and co-founder of StatGroup19, an inter-academic group of statistical studies on the Covid 19 pandemic, takes stock of the Covid situation in Italy.

“Similarly, for intensive care, the peak, again reached on 12 December 2022, was 347; this year we should see it around 300, I hope more around 250 – he adds – Finally, again to make a comparison with what happened last year, on 10 November 2022 there were 203 intensive care units occupied (end of the decline observed in that period), a month later there were 347 (peak reached 4 weeks after the start of the growth). Ditto, for the ordinary hospitalizations, we went from 6,347 to 9,764 (still the peak in 4 weeks from the start of the growth)”.

Maruotti’s analysis shifts to the regions. “There is a lot of heterogeneity. Lombardy is doing well, with decreasing infections, close to the peak of hospitalizations at levels that are half of last year; intensive care has grown rapidly, with numbers similar to last year – he specifies – Lazio, on the other hand, cases in new growth, after a brief and limited slowdown in the rate of increase; ordinary and intensive care beds on the rise, it is difficult to say when and by how much the peak will be at the moment”.

The doctors’ appeal

“Covid cases are also increasing in Rome. We need to get vaccinated, get vaccinated and get vaccinated and do it before Christmas, even against the flu”, the president of the Order of Doctors, Surgeons and Dentists (Omceo) of Rome tells time.news Health. Rome and its province, Antonio Magi, who launches an appeal to the over 60s, the frail and the immunosuppressed to get immunized in these two weeks until Christmas. “The vaccines are here and soon there will also be open days to do anti-Covid, let’s not waste time”, he concludes.

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#AntiCovid #antiflu #Christmas

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