Anti-Covid vaccination: what role did the American army play?

by time news

TRIBUNE – According to Spinoza, “every organism tends to persevere in its being.. Schopenhauer believes, on the contrary, that “all life aspires to death”. This ambivalence certainly applies to the US military. With a budget of 850 billion dollars, in constant expansion, the American army takes care of its own survival. However, the existence of others, and humanity in general, doesn’t seem to matter too much.

The investigation of the Covid pandemic reveals an inconspicuous aspect of the story, namely therole of the army American in the vaccination campaign, which includes both thedevelopmentof the vaccine and itsdistribution(it will be necessary to study later the possible role of the army in theconception you virusitself, in the context of bacteriological control).

In the last chapter of his book “Anthony Fauci, Bill Gates, Big Pharma: their global war on democracy and public health”Robert Kennedy Jr evokes theOpération Warp Speed(of which the DeepL software gives several amusing translations: “war speed”, “warp speed”, “drift speed”…).

Operation Warp Speed ​​is described by Wikipedia as a public-private partnership initiated by the United States government on May 15, 2020, with a budget of $18 billion, to facilitate and acceleratethe development, manufacture and distribution of COVID-19 vaccines, therapeutics and diagnostics.

The Chief of Operations was General Gustave F. Perna. The distribution of the vaccine to the American population was handled by retired Lieutenant General Paul Ostrowski, an expert in military logistics.

So we have all been victims of amilitary operation;that is why everyone had to be brought to heel. No wonder the first resistant was Professor Didier Raoult,son of a military doctor: he knew the music, we don’t play it for him. This also helps to reframe the role of Bill Gates and the pharmaceutical companies. They are not the big Manitous: they profit, that’s all – and we pay. The real driving force behind this are the Doctors Strangelove of the military-industrial complex of Defense and Intelligence, which went from the Cold War to the War on Terror and then to the War on Viruses.

The interview with Sasha Latypova, a former pharmaceutical executive, who obtained thanks to theFreedom of Information Acta mass of contracts between the military and the private sector, teaches us that vaccines were not considered as normal pharmaceutical products, but as “countermeasures” promoted by the Pentagon and Intelligence agencies, in the face of a health emergency.

These were realwar measures, exempt from the normal processes of drug development. This resulted in a complete lack of animal studies, a lack of true clinical studies, and a lack of informed consent from human guinea pigs.

The marketing authorization by the FDA was just a farce. No wonder the FDA, forced to make these documents public by a court, tried to issue them only in 75 years, while it took a month to approve them! (75 years, mark of a great crime, like the assassination of John Kennedy…).

No wonder that the leaders of Pfizer and Moderna… just like Fauci feel a sense of impunity: who would dare to go against the American army? John Kennedy had tried…

Marc Reisinger is a psychiatrist and social anthropologist.

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