“Anti-Covid vaccine at school? It will be a success, I’ll explain why”

by time news

“Covid vaccination in schools? It will be a success”. Word of Italo Farnetani. “This is a system for obtaining maximum family compliance” and allows “vaccinating a large number of subjects in a short time possible”. The pediatrician, a professor at the Free Ludes University of Malta, defines the idea proposed by the extraordinary commissioner for the Covid emergency, Francesco Paolo Figliuolo, “excellent”, who proposed the possibility of giving the anti-Covid injection to students in schools as it was made in the 70s against smallpox. And he adds that he has also signed in the past “research that demonstrates” the potential of this plan, he tells Adnkronos Salute.

“When vaccination against rubella was practiced among fifth grade girls – she explains – in a study of mine carried out in 1985 I had found in a large sample of subjects that the non-compulsory vaccination against rubella carried out in schools had great acceptance: it was practiced by 76% of the pupils, 20% did not do it because they believed they had already contracted the disease and the vaccine was refused by only 4% of parents.

For the non-compulsory measles vaccination, things were not going so well, because it was carried out in the socio-health districts for which parents had to have an active role to carry out the vaccine, and in fact it was practiced only by 56% of children of age. between 3 and 5 years. The percentage was reduced to 30% in the 10-11 age group, which, moreover, corresponds to the age at which antirosolia was practiced, which was rejected by only 4% of parents “.

The research, Farnetani observes, “is useful because it shows that the convenience of carrying out vaccinations at school, combined with the direct relationship with families, allows greater compliance which will be useful in the current pandemic”.

But there is also another aspect that the pediatrician highlights: “In addition to the greater compliance of families, a guarantee of success, also from a psychological point of view for children, ‘vaccination in company’ constitutes an educational and training element. group of peers, a preventive health treatment is linked to the group experience and in this way the positive image of an act in favor of health is promoted “.

Important, concludes Farnetani, “it will also be vaccinating the largest number of children because, as I have repeated several times, being asymptomatic or with mild symptoms can unknowingly increase the infection. On the contrary, when we reach a sufficient coverage of this age group, with the practice of vaccinating at school, it will be possible to abandon Dad, recovering “fully” all the psycho-affective and educational-training advantages of face-to-face lessons “.

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