Anti-drug police managed to seize more than 2 tons of cocaine camouflaged in tiles

by time news

Specialized agents from the Callao Port Anti-Drug Department of the Anti-Drug Directorate (Dirandro) of the Peruvian National Police, the National Superintendency of Customs and Tax Administration (Sunat) and the Public Ministry, dealt a severe blow to Illicit Drug Traffic (TID). internationally when they managed to seize 2,310 kilos, 760 grams of cocaine alkaloids packed in a shipment of majolica tiles that were destined for the country of Turkey.

The Callao Second Specialized Prosecutor for Crimes of Illicit Drug Trafficking led the operation that allowed the seizure of the drug that was packaged inside a shipment of lead/orange colored majolica in order to give the appearance of a legal load and divert the attention of the competent authorities.

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The seized drug, whose final destination was the foreign market, whose value in Europe is US$ 138 million, remains in the custody of the specialized unit to continue with the corresponding proceedings and investigations.

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