Anti-Villains | FranceEvening

by time news

EDITO – A fine societal analyst who died too soon, Jean Yanne would certainly not have contradicted me. The same is true, I think, for Michel Fugain.

The first is the author and director of the eponymous film Everyone is handsome, everyone is nice, a satirical comedy released in 1972, which describes the world of radio. 50 years later, it has lost none of its relevance. Quite the contrary.

The second is the singer-songwriter of the song The nice bad guys (band original you film I don’t know anything, but I’ll say everything, a comedy directed by Pierre Richard). Released in 1973, this work is unfortunately also still fully relevant, especially with regard to the title I have chosen for this editorial: ” The anti-villains. »

Indeed, in this Manichaean world ordered to the order of the unique thought dictated in all areas by the power in place, on the one hand, there are “anti” (make the connection: “zantis”), and on the other, those who adhere to the official word, of which no one can publicly question the merits without being accused of “conspiracy”. Contesting the merits of the rules restricting freedom enacted by the government under cover of a state of emergency and in the secrecy of a defense counsel, for our own good, it goes without saying, amounts to being one of those it is appropriate to call “the bad guys”, or even outright “terrorists”. (1)

Yes: as in 39-45. Or more precisely from June 10, 1940 when full powers were given by Parliament to Marshal Pétain until August 25, 1944, the date of the liberation of Paris and the resumption of power by General de Gaulle, accompanied by the National Council of Resistance.

However, although in the description given by the media mainstreamwhere the anti and company are designated as “the bad guys” of history, it is clear that, little by little, more and more voices are rising against this politico-media intervention, this show of Guignol permanent.

Among these voices are epidemiologists, chemists and geneticists, recognized by their peers as indisputable world eminences. And there are more of them every day, these French people who no longer have antipathy against “the anti” and company, but sympathy. Even a big inclination, despite the fact that, more than ever, we continue to point the finger at “the anti” vax as being “the bad guys. »

Because time does its job. Sometimes it takes a long, long, too long (!) before the truth finally emerges. But, fortunately, it always ends up winning, no offense to the hucksters.

All that remains is to hope that she quickly anchors herself with authority before the damage caused by the lie becomes irreparable.

(1) And since the official “good guys” have classified me among “the bad guys”, I tell myself that, if I really were the anti, the “bad guy”, I could then sing a cover of The nice bad guys composed of a single couplet thus formulated:

« Who do I have empathy for? The anti.

Who the fucke cordially? The villains.

They challenge the established order (the anti).

They say yes to everything all the time (the bad guys). »

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