‘Anutin’ orders to keep an eye on smallpox monkeys traveling to Thailand Discussing the level of communicable disease as severe as covid

by time news

‘Anutin’ orders to keep an eye on smallpox monkeys traveling to Thailand Discussing the level of communicable disease as severe as covid

at 10:00 a.m. on July 24 at the Ministry of Public Health (MoPH). Mr. Anutin Charnvirakul Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Public Health called for an urgent meeting of the MoPH executives to prepare guidelines for dealing with smallpox or monkeypox. Dr. Kiattipoom Wongrachit Permanent Secretary Dr. Opas Karnkawinpong, MD. Director-General of the Department of Disease Control Dr. Somsak Ankasilp, MD. Director-General of the Medical Department Dr. Thares Krasanaiyarawiwong, MD. Director-General of the Department of Health Service Support (SorPorPor.) Dr. Supakit Sirilak, MD. Director-General of the Department of Medical Sciences Dr. Paisan Dankhum Secretary-General of the Food and Drug Administration and senior executives of the Ministry of Public Health attended.

In addition, there are provincial public health doctors (Public Health Doctors) Phuket, Sor. Join the meeting via remote video system. Takes longer than 1 hour

Later, at 11:30 a.m., Mr. Anutin said After the World Health Organization has declared an outbreak of the monkey pox virus. It was a Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC). The MoPH immediately called a meeting. to prepare a way to respond to the situation both in the field of disease surveillance Prevention and care Previously, the timeline of Nigerian cases was monitored. which has now departed from Thailand by the data of the first patient in Thailand, a Nigerian It is now under the supervision of the Public Health of Cambodia. Including examining close contacts in the past 1 month No one has yet been found infected. considered safe Therefore, the disease control checkpoints across the country have been ordered to coordinate with the Immigration Police Office (immigration) to increase caution for people traveling from high-risk countries. Thailand already has the basis of a surveillance system from the Covid-19 epidemic situation. There is no need to increase international travel restrictions.

“Currently, international disease control checkpoints have been ordered. Coordinate with the Immigration Police (immigration) office among travelers from countries at risk as the World Health Organization has identified or found a large number of infected people. which will be screened at the airport Based on the initial clinical symptoms such as blisters on the body. using a surveillance system from COVID-19,” said Mr. Anutin.

The Minister of Public Health said that the readiness for medical and public health The Ministry of Public Health has upgraded its surveillance from the Medical and Public Health Emergency Operations Center (EOC), Department of Disease Control, to the Emergency Medical and Public Health Operations Center (EOC). Be careful, it has nationwide coverage.

“For the human smallpox vaccine (Smallpox Vaccine) that the Government Pharmaceutical Organization (GPO) kept as standard about 40 years ago, the Department of Medical Sciences have been tested and found that they are still of good quality can be used if necessary As for the medical treatment The Medical Department confirmed that Monkey pox can be treated with symptomatic and disease-specific medications. There is a specific medication for this disease. But most patients will recover on their own. therefore use symptomatic treatment which every hospital can provide care No need to keep the patient in the negative pressure room. By July 25, the academic committee which consists of epidemiologist and experts in medicine and public health There will be a meeting to discuss the details of disease surveillance measures in accordance with the recommendations of the World Health Organization,” Mr Anutin said. This is because smallpox or monkeypox is more difficult to contract than COVID-19. Most are infected through close contact with people with monkey pox symptoms. which has clear water blisters or pustules on the skin of the body including touching when having sex which way to prevent covid-19 What everyone is doing is keeping distance, washing hands, avoiding going to crowded places. It can help reduce the risk of contracting the disease in part.

Mr. Anutin said that has assigned Dr. Narumon Sawanpanyalert Specialist, Department of Emergency Medicine Be a provider of accurate and clear information for communication and understanding with the people

“We need to monitor the contact with patients similar to AIDS. If there is a risky sexual behavior is a risk which if prevented like AIDS It will reduce the risk,” said Mr. Anutin.

The reporter asked about measures to prevent monkey pox patients. Another escape from treatment Mr. Anutin said As the World Health Organization has declared an international public health emergency. was directed to the hospital that when receiving suspected or confirmed patients will have to request detention to treat and conduct disease investigations

When asked if it is necessary to restrict travel to Thailand in some countries Mr. Anutin said not yet

When asked The meeting discussed whether the elevation from surveillance communicable diseases to severe communicable diseases was discussed or not. Mr. Anutin reiterated that on July 25 there will be a meeting of the academic committee. consisting of qualified medical professors to discuss measures or how to announce the level of surveillance for smallpox which is in accordance with the Thai public health system

On the side, Dr. Thares said that recently, OBEC has coordinated to private hospitals (hospitals) to monitor patients who are suspected of having smallpox. because of the past Found the suspected group of people traveling from abroad. who screened 18 cases and just found the first Nigerian man

The reporters reported that same afternoon Department of Disease Control will coordinate information with Cambodian public health. Meeting to discuss the investigation of a Nigerian male patient who fled from Thailand to Cambodia

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