Anxiety can cause the following chronic diseases

by time news

2023-08-20 21:09:24

According to the WHO, one in eight people on the planet suffers from at least one mental disorder.
In Mexico, anxiety disorders usually manifest from childhood, although patients take between 14 to 20 years to seek psychiatric care.
These types of disorders are a risk factor for the development of chronic-degenerative diseases such as overweight, obesity, arterial hypertension and diabetes mellitus.

The current global mental health crisis continues to grow. One of the most common problems is anxiety although its impact can even reach the physical part. For this reason, the main indication is to see a doctor from the first manifestations to prevent other diseases from occurring.

The world doesn’t care about mental health

With this in mind, in 2021 the World Health Organization (WHO) conducted a study in 95 countries. In the end, it was found that only nine had support strategies in the field of mental and psychosocial health within their national plans.

The little attention generates that currently One in eight people in the world have a mental disorder. The most common are the anxiety and depressive disorders and both increased significantly during 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic. In addition, many of the patients suffer stigma and discriminatory acts due to their condition.

Now, specialists Mexican Social Security Institute (IMSS) recommended going to a first-contact doctor in any case of anxiety. Receiving timely care prevents the development of chronic-degenerative diseases such as overweight, obesity, arterial hypertension and diabetes mellitus.

What are the symptoms of anxiety?

Dr. Diana Elizabeth Badillo Luvian, attached to the External Consultation of the Psychiatry Service of the Family Medicine Unit with Psychiatric Hospital (UMF/HP) No. 10, explained that anxiety is a normal emotion that protects against the dangers of life daily, it is adaptive and everyone experiences it at some point.

He reported that symptoms can range from frequent headaches, irritability, anger, palpitations, chest pain, sweaty palms, tremors, feeling flushed, shortness of breath, dry mouth, trouble sleeping, decreased or increased appetite, and chronic tiredness.

“Chronic anxiety elevates the stress hormone called cortisol, which in the long term can cause problems or worsen metabolic disorders, especially high blood pressure, diabetes mellitus, obesity and overweight.”

Dr. Badillo Lluvian stressed that the first thing to do when experiencing any of these symptoms is to go to your family doctor to start treatment and if anxiety symptoms persist, refer to either a psychologist or a psychiatrist.

He added that, in most cases, anxiety can be controlled, and in the case of a panic attack, it is usually cured and tends to improve with treatment.

The Social Security specialist stressed that In Mexico, anxiety disorders usually manifest from childhood and patients take between 14 to 20 years to seek psychiatric care.a, that is, young adults are the ones who present the most symptoms of anxiety.

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#Anxiety #chronic #diseases

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