“Any vaccination serves to produce antibodies. Why vaccinate someone who has 2,000 antibodies?” David Bouillon

by time news

In this essential interview, we received Dr David Bouillon, Belgian general practitioner. At the head of a medical center opened five years earlier with his nurse wife in the Mons region, near Maubeuge, he explains to us the medical protocol he has developed to treat patients with Covid-19. ” When a Covid patient was taken to Mons, not a single hospitalization and not a single death “. Yet, instead of being listened to by the authorities, Dr. Bouillon, like many scientists in France, found himself faced with fierce censorship.

Dr. Bouillon says he has treated more than 20,000 patients since March 2020. He estimates that, thanks to his individualized diagnosis, “ the risk of hospitalization, the risk of going to intensive care and the risk of death, is almost nil “. This diagnosis can be made by taking a blood test, which makes it possible to identify the type of condition and the corresponding treatment. If there is a risk of thrombosis, then the doctor prescribes an anti-coagulant. If it’s pneumonia, an antibiotic. He assures him: These are positive and effective results without going through ivermectin and chloroquine “. This is why he regrets not having been listened to by the authorities, certain that his protocol would have made it possible to avoid deaths and confinement. ” We put general medicine in prison “, he asserts. And to be moved: I’ve never seen that as a general practitioner, it’s historic. How should we tell people who are 40 degrees in temperature, who have difficulty breathing, to wait 10 days at home and wait for paracetamol. It is exposing patients to hospitalization, intensive care and death. »

In addition, the Belgian doctor expresses his incomprehension in the field of anti-Covid vaccination. Once a patient has developed antibodies, why take a vaccine that aims to develop antibodies? When a person has good natural immunity, why take an experimental vaccine with possible side effects? ” More than 98% of people who had Covid got away with it thanks to natural immunity. Those whose immunity was exceeded, it was enough to support them by having a blood test, diagnosis and treatment. I can prove it “says the doctor.

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